Some policies of the new constitution

Incremental mass deportations 
No birthright citizenship for the children of illegals. Also, the new constitution cancels all grants of citizenship and immigration status made by the corrupt Biden administration. It also has optional clauses that incrementally deport illegal immigrants based on a number of factors. These factors include how long the migrants have been here, whether they have a job, whether they have received more government benefits than they have paid in taxes. We also dis-qualify people for lack of education and skills, and an inability to speak English, as well as what nation they came from. Incremental deportations will be less likely to cause an uprising, a deflationary housing spiral, or and inflationary wage spiral. Indeed, the final outcome of a successive approximation process for deportations will be better matched with what we need as a nation.  Also, regarding people who both have a foreign accent and cannot prove either citizenship or legal entry into our nation:
a/ There will be no right of due process for their deportation.
b/ They may be jailed for up to 3-years on the first offense, and 10-years on the second offense. Thus, many will leave on their own.
c/ There is no right of families of illegals immigrants to live together in our nation. If they want to live together, they can all go back.

Moderate Abortion policy
Due to the total failure of the war on drugs, we realize that we will never keep the RU486 abortion pill out. So any attempt to ban abortion in the first 12 weeks will be almost entirely futile, so the new constitutional guarantees the right of abortion on demand for any reason until the end of the 3rd month. Also, where the mother’s life, health, or reproductive health is endangered by the pregnancy, or the child has birth defects, the new constitution guarantees the right to full-term abortions. We must be aware that among breeding-age women, access to abortion is more important than all other political issues combined. And this huge group is needed for a national consensus to bring in the new constitution. 

It has detailed protections for right to bear arms.
It points to the 20% death rate that eastern Europe suffered during WW2 because it was disarmed. Then it compares the 13,000 firearm homicides that occur each year in the US, (divided by 340-million people) to arrive at an annual death rate 0.0038%. Then it explains how it will take 5,263 years for 20% of our population to die in firearm homicides. Then it says that if our guns prevent one invasion per 5,326 years, guns are worth having. And this to say nothing about our ability to resist totalitarian take overs, and the way the guns greatly reduce many sorts of crimes. 
     It will be a felony for high school dropouts living in cities to have guns until they are 35. It will also be a felony for non-citizens to have guns. Also, in times of an official call to arms: It will be a capital offense when immigrants are recorded carrying arms in public, including knives and clubs. Furthermore, during times of an official call to arms, there will be universal carry rights for citizens—and citizens are supposed to detain everyone found in arms that speaks with a foreign accent pending police arrival.

Plans for rapidly ending several sorts of economic crisis:
1/ For a foreclosure crisis:
It bans both entities & foreigners from taking possession of foreclosed property. It stalls all evictions until real human citizens buy the foreclosed property. It also has much higher property tax rates for big land holders like Bill Gates.
2/ For an unemployment or rental cost crisis: it incrementally deports low-skilled illegals to reduce the housing shortage, and so there are more low-end jobs for citizens and legal immigrants.
3/ For an inflation crisis: It deports low-skilled illegals, thus reducing demand for rental properties and goods. It also temporarily taxes the face value of all debts & loan payments so that the entire economy is paying more for loans. 
4/ For a deflation crisis: It discounts all debts and loan payments so that people don’t get crushed against their debts. This increases both currency value and savings.
5/ For a total collapse: There are systems proposed for using financial records to restore our domestic capital apportionments.

The new constitution has healthcare industry specific taxes that will bring our healthcare industry costs down from 18.3% of GDP to around 10% of GDP like they are in Japan and Germany.
       It cancels all existing patents for insulin, thyroid hormones, psychiatric drugs, vaccines, statins, and diabetes treatment drugs. Now these drugs will all be generic and cheap. Also, there will be no point lying about their safety and efficacy. It shows how totally corrupt our government is that synthetic insulin (discovered 1978) and thyroid hormone (discovered 1922) are still patented.
       It calls for Government to establish standard pricing for all healthcare procedures, then each facility will be required to offer all of its services as a percentage of standard pricing across the board. So some providers might be -17%, while others might be +29%, meaning that one is 17% less than standard pricing across the board for all procedures, and the other provider is 29% over standard pricing across the board. After this, there are no discounts, no negotiations, no billing surprises, and no extra charges for any procedure. Everyone pays the same amount for the same procedure at the same healthcare facility.
       Medical precision can’t beat medical inclusion. Until everyone is being treated, it is hard to justify specialists or even general doctors doing procedures. Whatever benefit their expertise brings, it is counteracted by all the many people going without treatment.
Step 1: Everyone gets screened and treated by medical techs. 
Step 2: We squabble about the qualifications (and pay) for the healthcare people doing the treatment.
       It calls for a healthcare allocation system. We will list all common medical procedures and prioritize them in terms of bang-for-the-buck, and how efficiently they use inherently scarce healthcare resources. We will also have multipliers for age, and other patient risk factors. Then we will tax inefficient procedures.
Then we use this tax money to pay for a level of high bang-for-the-buck healthcare that is free to all citizens.
       The new constitution bans over 70 food/ drug additives, pesticides and herbicides. It outlaws gain of function research, calling it a scheme to give people diseases, so cures can be sold. 

For children, it mandates:
1/ A national school voucher system for non-religious schools. In this way, we will have schools competing for vouchers, and all the bad schools and teachers will be rapidly eliminated by the market. 
2/ National licenses for keeping child workers from getting another job working with kids when they “misbehave”. 
3/ Overlapping HD video in all child environments with AI monitoring, and recorder system video backup. Parents can log in and watch their kid’s classroom at any time.
4/ All counties must mail paper child locator maps to all neighbors. This is so neighbors can report missing and extra children.
5/ The total elimination of all school boards and teacher’s unions. Instead the local Sub-Senate will manage our schools, and unions for public employees will be outlawed.
6/ All voucher schools will have to provide schooling+daycare from 6:30am to 7:30pm, in addition to providing freshly cooked meals. Today around 70% of K-12 money goes to administration. So when we switch to vouchers, we will have money for this.

It calls for the addition of “Day-Halved” schedules
This is where people work 11-hours a day, 182-days a year, instead of 8-hours a day 260-days a year. Both are 2,000 hours a year. But the day halved schedule:
1/ Has 30% fewer commutes.
2/ It shifts all the day-halved commutes to times with less traffic like 7:15am and 6:45pm, instead of 9am and 5:30pm. 
3/ It takes half of all day-halved traffic and eliminates on that day.
4/ It doubles the capacity of all infrastructure that uses a day-halved schedule. Thus our roads, and railroads, and our buildings for schools, libraries, banks, and our MRI equipment will all be open almost every day of the year for 11-hours a day.

It calls for new standards for single-wide (4’-3” wide) cars
These are 1.5 passengers wide per seat row. Roomy for a single adult, but a bit tight for an adult and a child. These cars will use computers to follow positioning lines and RFID chips on the roadway defining 6’-3” wide lanes. When we compare this system to our current 11-foot wide lanes and 6-foot wide shoulders (32-feet total for 2 lanes) we can put four lanes instead of two, thus doubling the number of lanes in most roads. We can also double our parking capacity. There will also be double, triple and quadruple wide road vehicles that are 10’-6” wide, 16’-9” wide and 23’-0” wide respectively. These wider vehicles however must be scheduled and not used during rush hour. The single wide vehicles will be phased-in, one congested city at a time, so that the old vehicles can be sold off.

Sub-Senate assembled media
The million man sub Senate will assemble its own news media, wikipedia, search engine, facebook, educational media, national school media library, contract library, and building design library among many other things.  All of this will be assembled by the payment of X-prizes, and be free to use. The Senate’s media will be non-exclusive, and in addition to other existing sources.

Our Fake US Geological Survey
How is it that our nation has this thing called a geological survey that is actually a superficial geographical survey? Clearly this has something to do with the way we once had a nation blessed with resources… and now we don’t. Now we are being told that we are dependent on foreigners for a long list of key minerals. The new constitution mandates the exploratory bedrock drilling of our entire nation, looking for our richest and least polluting mineral lands. These will all be turned into a version of a public gravel pit so we can completely crush the cost of natural resources and ban all mineral imports including especially oil. 

Regarding intellectual property:
a/ It ends copyright protection for photographs, recordings of real events, and sounds including music. There is no need to have copyrights for these things any more. This is because people will still make these things without getting any money for it.
b/ It limits intellectual property rights ownership to the shortest period of time that is practical, rather than the longest period practical — and never more than 17 years. Fictional media is only protected for 6 years, not 75 years as it is today.
Patents cannot be used to keep products form market. Also, patents die when they don’t have products on the market by the halfway point in of the patent protection period. It has other rules that will mostly purge patent trolls from the system.
d/ There will be no patents for seeds, plants, or new diseases,

Money/ budget/ taxesIt prohibits income taxation for the poorest 98%, because we don’t want to discourage working by taxing it. Also, we favor imports when we tax income and competing foreign companies that do not pay income taxes. If we have consumption taxation, then both imports and domestic output are taxed equally at point of sale. Also, we will cancel-out the inherent regressiveness of consumption taxes by exempting a basic amount for:  housing, vehicles, healthcare, education, and non-luxury groceries. 
       It calls for wealth taxation, and progressively higher rates of wealth taxes for the very rich.  It calls for progressive property taxes for large land holders in various categories. It calls for luxury taxes for mansions, expensive cars, expensive apparel, and expensive foods
       It ends the Federal Reserve and the fractional lending system where private parties make huge sums lending money they do not actually have. And then when the bubble they create eventually blow up, they leave the government having to fund the bailout. Instead, the immense profits from money creation will belong to the people and their treasury. No longer will banks lend money except as agents for the treasury working for typical loan broker commissions. No longer will our government borrow money at interest, or make payments on the national debt.  Also, we must note how the national debt is ~$35 trillion, while China & Japan together hold ~$2 trillion in treasuries. Who owns the other 94%? and who owns Blackrock and Vanguard?  So the new constitution calls for a national audit, where all property, assets, accounts, and debt get tied to real human citizens and immigrants, and all the stuff than can’t be tied to a real Americans gets suspended pending cancellation for being stolen property. And it appears that over 90% of the national debt is stolen and can be cancelled.
     All corporate subsidiaries will be collapsed into single corporate identities. This is because corporate families are one of the greatest tools for government theft, kickbacks, tax fraud, money laundering, and consumer deception. This while they serve little good purpose for honest human citizens. 

It says that when government pays companies to develop military equipment and other things, government will automatically own 100% of the intellectual property rights. Then government will use competitive bidding for the manufacture of key components such as: the air frame, the engines, the avionics, the cockpit, the bolt-on weapon systems, etc.

It calls for 10,000 A-11s to be produced
So far, there has been no better way to translate air superiority into ground superiority than the A-10. Also, we will experiment with various anti-drone weapons packages for our new generation A-11’s. We will sell half of these A-11s to our best allies and thus get the other half for free. We will make a couple thousand as normal, and then put our factories in trickle mode for 50 years. Because of the new high speed rail system, our nation will only need around 14 airports and thus there will be a huge worldwide glut in passenger aircraft. To keep our aerospace industry alive, we will need many new aircraft projects. So we will make supersonic passenger aircraft with cellular passenger compartments for high-altitude flying. We will also make a large fleet of various other aircraft.

It calls for us to take back our Panama canal, which is the single most important strategic, military, industrial, and trade asset for our nation. With the Panama Canal, we can completely dominate China, the Middle East and their lapdog nation of North Korea effortlessly, with the mere threat of stationing our unanswerable submarines in key locations, forcing world trade through Panama, and forcing all nations to be good citizens.

We need a Pan-American railroad
We need a railroad from Canada, through the Dakotas, Texas, Mexico, central America, Colombia, Venezuela, and the Amazon, to Argentina. And there is an almost a totally flat route that never climbs over 300meters. We need this because it will transform Mexico, central America, Colombia and Venezuela from being in the worthless periphery of both continents to being in the valuable middle. This will transform these nations, and the surge in opportunities will pull many Latinos away from our nation. We also need this to turn away from China, and to diversify our supply lines away from Asia. And thirdly, we need this because it will make our nation much more competitive. Also, the Norteño areas of Mexico will boom with people wanting to live there to be near Mexas.

1st-cousin marriages banned for immigrants. Genetic testing of all immigrants is mandated. Cousin marriage is thought to mean 3 things that make it an ideal way to keep bad immigrants out:
a/ That females can’t go out, and that’s why they marry their cousins. We don’t want immigrants from backwards hillbilly cultures like this. This is the opposite of women’s rights.
b/ That females can’t go out because they will get kidnapped and made into sex slaves. We do not want males from these kidnapping cultures in our nation.
c/ That the people from these culture come from generations of cousin marriage and as a result, they are frequently brain damaged, and have high rates of costly birth defects. Much is written about these birth defect rates in the UK. 

Remote pollution areas
It calls for Vizcaino at the Knee of Baja California and the entire nation of Panama to be the main dirty industrial areas for North America because they are all so far from continental land masses.

We will put most of the rivers of the high Sierra (east of the California Valley) into pipe hydroelectric systems, and we will use the water to generate electricity which we will also use to pump the water out into the California Valley desert. We will do the same thing with the rivers coming off of the Eastern Rockies, and bring life through irrigation to the Texas panhandle, West, Kansas, West, Nebraska, etc. Thus we will turn much wasteland into good farmland and good land for new communities. Also, by turning more of the planet’s surface green, we will increase CO2 re-accretion (if you believe in this junk science.) The new constitution also outlaws the squandering of fresh water in salty habitat areas.

It cuts new urban land costs by 90%
The land far from our cities costs around $10,000/acre, while in our cities frequently costs 100x as much or around $1-million/acre. The new constitution calls for the government to identify around 15,000 new locations ($10,000/ acre locations) for rail-based townships of around 20,000 residential units each. These will be mostly pedestrian townships centered around a central rail stop, with peripheral roads and peripheral wilderness areas.
      This is about 3 times the number of units in our nation today, so there will be a huge abundance of urban lots in our nation, And this land for dwellings should be cheap for a century or more.
       The tracks going to these new townships will be 7m gauge (23.6-feet apart). This supports railcars with two 10-feet wide compartments and a 3-feet wide hallway in the middle. It also supports for 3-containers side by side. And most importantly it supports the transport of homes and apartments up to perhaps 30-feet wide, if we use overhanging railcar beds.

Why housing is so expensive
Most products today are factory made. This is why so many things are so cheap and so well made. However building remain stubbornly expensive and poorly made. This is because buildings are too big to be efficiently transported from the factory to the building site on trucks. So buildings must be generally hand assembled without factory automation, and this is why buildings remains so stubbornly expensive.

How to cut construction costs by over 2/3
Steel reinforced concrete is the ideal building material. It is cheap, strong, fireproof, soundproof, earthquake proof, hurricane proof, termite proof, relatively bomb proof, and last but not least, Roman concrete has lasted for thousands of years. Concrete can also be poured into molds and mass produced in factories. So we can pass say 480 giant home-sized or apartment-sized molds over actuators every 3-minutes and make around 480 units a day with perhaps only a few hundred men working the factory line. This might work out to being one house per couple men, per day. We also use robots to position the doors and windows, and cabinets, and to install the roofs and apply paint and grind the concrete floors, etc. So, steel reinforced concrete is the ideal material to build with, the only problem is that 1,200 square foot apartments weigh about 120 tons and this is simply too heavy to transport on inflated rubber truck tires. However, it’s fine if we transport them on trains with steel wheels on steel tracks with proper foundations. 

The new constitution calls for the creation of:
a/ A north American system of house casting factories.
b/ A new 7-meter gauge rail transport system.
c/ New cities on the $10,000/acre land far from out existing cities.
d/ These are super-insulated cities, top, sides and bottom that are designed to last for centuries and slash heating and cooling energy by over 90% due to to the insulation.
e/ We will also use the same rail system for human transport and eliminate most personal automobiles. So the people living near the centers of our pedestrian townships will rely on transit and cut their energy use and pollution output by around 95%.

The scale of cities with 300kph trains
The new 7-meter gauge tracks will be 4.88 times as wide as the tracks currently used in the US. So the trains will no longer rock side to side at all. They will also have inertia sensors that send information to self-propelled robots turning track-height adjustment-bolts. So the tracks will always be perfectly flat. And for this reason the trains will easily go much faster than the 300kph trains used in several parts of the world today. For example France’s 1970s-era TGV using the steel wheels on 1850’s era spaghetti steel tracks. (So there is no reason for the costly boondoggle of Mag-lev. Mag-lev is Arab propaganda to make our trains super-expensive, so we don’t develop 100x more efficient rail systems and instead remain dependent on autos and imported oil.) The new trains will use medium-sized I-beams for tracks and have horizontal wheels that guide the train’s main rolling wheels down the center of the perfectly flat rail tops. These horizontal wheels can also press out against the vertical web of the I-beam tracks and thus use the tracks (with their heavy foundations) as restraining straps to stop the trains very fast. These horizontal wheels will also be trapped by the upper flange of the I-beam tracks and this will completely prevent derailments. 
       But 300kph = 5km/ minute. So a train line cycling on 8 minute intervals will have 3 minutes for boarding & transitioning to speed. There will thus be a 5 minute train ride at 300kph covering about 25km. So we have these central interchanges with train lines in all directions that cover an area that is about 50km x 50km. In this area, we might have 30 rail-stop townships with high-rise centers (that provide central clean air intake from up high), then mid-rise, then row-houses, then suburban homes up to say 3km out in radius. This is about 28 per township with 80% of the people living within 1km of the rail station. There are also numerous interior hallways radiating from the central train station, so that people are more tolerant of harsh weather and we can use more of the planet. But we have maybe 30 grape-cluster townships of 20,000 people covering ~848 sq. km, or ~34% of the land around each interchange. Thus ~66% of the land around each interchange is open space.

College for 90% off
The new constitution calls the college system overpriced, corrupt and full of garbage information. Instead, it calls for a system where all secondary and tertiary schools loose their ability to certify people. Instead, people will take government tests drawn from 5,000 to 50,000 pre-approved possible test questions. Between 100 and 1,000 randomly drawn Sub-Senators (depending on the material) will select one question each in the few minutes before the relevant tests begin. If we have signal jamming and video at our testing sites, these tests will be impossible to cheat on. Thus, these totally objective tests will all that matters, and where a person went to school will not longer be a matter of record.
Thus we will almost completely delete the overpriced schools and drive most students into the Sub-Senate’s free education modules, and tutors, with only limited live lecturers.

Marijuana will neither be regulated nor taxed by any level of government. However, government must prevent adulteration with other drugs and toxins where this is a problem — so marijuana does not become a gateway drug for drug dealers seeking to create useful addicts. 

Homelessness requires a national approach. It has a national system of same-sex bunk-bed with every 50 people sharing a bathroom and kitchen. This system is first for people verifiably displaced by disasters. But when not in use (which will be over 98% of the time) it can be used by homeless people.  These bunks are free, but they are far outside our cities. Users take municipal buses to them after 7:00pm and leave before 7:30am. To combat the overdose epidemic, there will be a system where addicts spend most of the day watching rehab media and responding to media prompts to get safe properly dosed drugs in some of these remote dorms. The new constitution totally eliminates squatters rights and a greatly streamlined eviction processes.