Rail-based worm-holes on parking lots
Imagine a 6m gauge trains that goes over 400kph on super smooth, robot adjusted, engineered, banked, rails. That part is a worm-hole through earth-space. And these trains are all identical, and they all do exactly the same thing every time, so we really get the system totally debugged and super fast. The trains both accelerate and brake using computerized motion-controll to maybe 30kph, and then they just run off the track and onto a boat dock where the tires roll on the super-smooth pavement. Then they ramp and merge into to the traffic ring and then they turn off at the appropriate spur. The system mates them into the track at say 30kph. When all the cars arrive, they auto-couple and then run off and accelerates to over 400kph.
Christmas and dia de los muertes
In both the Christian and Aztec worlds we have many days of “celebration” reduced to one day over many decades.
Location monitoring in schools
Perhaps every person in a kid’s facility should be location monitored along with being video recording.
Atlas, Atlantis and the Mer Cadiz Sphinx
They are all about the A•tell•antes civilization, on the Atlantic, the one that was cut off by the epochal lyse. It was this A•tel civilization uplifted the world, not a man named A•telus. The man is an impersonization.
Public Enemy #1
Ishtar is hard to grasp, but once you get it, it just sort of falls apart on you. Once you see it, is really easy to figure-out and spot. And it will be public enemy #1 for some generations.
The border wall is only $15.40 per person
It may not work very well, but it is so cheap that it really doesn’t have to work well. It is also a great way to keep people from straying onto the mine fields should we put those in middle of nowhere locations on the southern border. Also, Mexico’s tax breaks for the northern states are a step in the wrong direction. The people of Mexico should not be subsidized to move to the waterless desert near the US border. They should be living in the nice higher elevation parts of Mexico.
Annual US Border patrol budget: $3.8-Billion
Over 90% of this is spent on the southern border.
Summary and addressing system rights
If someone has rights to a favorable and valuable address, or name, those rights do not really carry forth into the new world, when many of the addressing systems need to be changed.
My works in 20 volumes
Penguin style paperbacks.
MONEY-BALL POLITICS = Politics involving large campaign contributions.
MONEY-BALL POLITICIANS = Politicians that are supported by a small number of large contributions.
MONEY-BALL DONORS = Fictional citizens and zillionaires that give large gifts to politicians.
quiet = ak•oo•i•it = ak•egg•i-am•it = so stop talking.
Krakatau = crack-a-taum = crack of doom?
This place is where the subducting and melting seafloor is also being cracked open. I would not be surprised if the ancients thought that this very active Crack-of-doom volcano would be the thing that would end the world. There is also the crack-of-dawn. Old English Cracian = make and explosive noise. And there is Khartoum, way down in Sudan, not even in Egypt. Do the hieroglyphs talk about great multi-year droughts where the Nile didn’t really flood?
CNBC’s sub-headlines
Using 3 sub-headline is a good idea that should be explored and studied. Perhaps the accurate writing of headlines and sub-headlines as important than writing good body material. And it is certainly much more important than poetry, and vocabulary.
Word recalls
Lets stop teaching all the stupid words like ectomorph. This isn’t a real word. It is blidding turned into trivia. Leave them in the dictionaries, but mark them as officially marginalized. And no officially marginalized word should ever count against anyone who does not know it.
Animal testing
Drugs testing is ok, cosmetics testing is not. And yes, I am fully aware that this will effectively halt the development of better cosmetics.
PUG = Property of UM government
All the development aid will come in the form of standardized UM development systems, and not much money. All these systems will be identifiable and it will be a felony everywhere to be in private possession of any PUG or its illicit output.
Hilltop townships
I see these graded like gambrel roofs with maybe a flat spot in the center around a central plus-shapped tower of whatever safe height. Thus the people who really want a view can climb down for it. It is sort of the way that the caldera side works in Santorini, but with a flattish area maybe 300 or 600m across. I would just dump the cut soils down the hill like the mine tailings as you approach Jerome AZ. I would do this in a place where it will not be unsightly. Then I would replant it and irrigate it to hide the dirt. The train might bridge over the “tailings” but it should not pass under them.
Delphic oracle blidding
Recall how Greek oracular visions were subject to interpretations (i.e. “you will destroy a great army”). The blid part lies in the short pity/ sms/ telegram messages. Real oracles to my mind present a flood of information and you must find and interpret what is relevant for your purposes.
Mankind’s whirlpool
It is somewhere around paternity testing + crazy child support laws+ +porn + comdoms +VD. 50-years ago, a man could simply deny that a child was his. No longer, and no escape. And if you went to college, every one of your child supported kids no matter how stupid, lazy, irresponsible, or rude has a right to go to college and you must pay. So good men, smart men avoid having children unless they really want them. And that is most good men. And this is on top of the fact that the worst people tend to have more babies than the best worldwide. So here we are de-selecting our best men instead of selecting them. And the progress of the harems will never overcome this, so down the whirlpool mankind goes.
HIV and the baby boom
Look at the timing of HIV. It hit just as the last of the baby boom was entering adulthood and becoming vulnerable to it.
I can hear them saying
You know, when I was your age, people had to work 30-years to pay off a house. Now you can pay off a house in 6-years. Your life is a vacation in comparison.
5 types of hospital
1) Communicable diseases. We don’t want the people with communicable diseases around everyone else. So they go to their own facilities in a remote location that is served by single rider vehicles that are quarantined until cleared for a quarantine cleaning.
2) Birthing and newborns. This needs to be central, but it should not have many visitors.
3) Trauma and other emergency should be totally central and it is at the interchanges.
4) Schedules surgery and recovery should be remote and with a limited number of visitors.
5) Consultations can go anywhere.
6) Immune deficiency should be remote and away from all the other places.
Rubber bonded wheels
Imagine a non-pneumatic car tire with axially-oriented back ridges. These are grasped by a mechanism and slid on and off the steel wheels. We might use these in our townships because it makes super quiet lines much much cheaper.
Rail tech is 150 years old
looking back, what a stupid future we have had.
A nation of builders and thinkers
The builder part comes first in reality and it should also come first in school. If a kid wants to spend a year or two doing various shop classes or construction tech, or drawing or designing, let them. But the curriculum is finite for every study, and the student has to round out into other things.
Post tension building blocks in earth quake country
These will confine the damage to single cell rifts. The cells severely damaged in an earthquake should probably no be rebuilt, but removed.
Organic/Bio tobacco
It wouldn’t make any measurable difference considering how carcinogenic tobacco is. And the only thing dumber than a smoker is one who eats recently pesticide free food to be healthy. Reducing your tobacco consumption by even 1% would have thousands of times more effect than organic/bio food.
If everyone things you I made a mistake…
I am happy to listen, even if it is a judgement call.
What olive trees evolved for
They evolved to lure sauropods out into the desert. There would be a drought every so many years and the sauropods would be driven by hunger to leave the lush and go towards the desert to graze the opportunist trees that often waited decades to get their fruit eaten by a starving sauropod in a drought. That is what the long lived Olive trees are. Also, these dinosaur drought trees did not need to produce costly macro-fruit, so they generally didn’t. Also, they didn’t need to offer sugar, so they didn’t waste any energy on this.
Jacaranda fruit
I wonder what that Jacaranda fruit tastes like. You know, the pods are maxed out for for shape recognition from certain angles. So yes, Sauropods could discern fruit shapes. And the Jacaranda probably didn’t have much food to offer much, like with olive trees.
I offer a more advanced starting point
Surely I have made mistakes. People are going to sneak through the rules, new crimes will be invented and your Senate will be there indestructibly to run the world sensibly.
Plato’s Republic is brilliant fool•sophy
It is fool’s wisdom, It is political and social propaganda designed to make a government easy to parasitize. It isn’t a serious book.
The nutritious skin
What a stupid mind virus this is. Mangos and mangosteens and citrus and many other fruits clearly evolved a skin to keep animals out. Fruit skins are there to be a barrier to the fruit in side. The plants that evolved bitter and nutritionally empty skins.
Wash your grains well
Grain dust tends to get moldy fast. It is thus potentially more harmful than it is beneficial. Wash your grain well.
Acid in fruit
I wonder if it is to keep Birds from eating too much. Birds are real sensitive to acid due to their thin and more importantly maxed-out bones.
Asian industry, Asian rice
Never mind the air pollution, what about the pollution in your rice?
Rice and the environment
It is ironic that the continent most vulnerable to toxic contamination is also the greatest polluter.
Am I just the first of many
Was the matrix about to wake up all by itself?
Both splined and regular breaking in trains
The spline indents in the track might be 10cm apart so that the normal brakes can be used normally, and the splined brakes used when panic stops are needed. In fact, both systems can be used together on the same area of the track web.
Continental leaps
These are not earthquakes, or shockwaves oscillating through a stationary landmass. This is the landmass moving, or leaping at earthquake speed. Imagine the world and everything attached to it leaping 20-meters sideways at 400kph.
Building for Continental leaps
We know exactly which way the vector is. If all the buildings are on a gentle slope in that direction, then they all come loose and fall maybe from knee or waste height in a leap. After the leap, there is only the drop.
It isn’t Indo•china, but Unda•China, the parts of Asia vulnerable to continental leaps and huge tsunamis.
Not many Thais in the south
This is because of the leaping earthquakes and the tsunamis of course. People always go to settle this place, but most get killed in the earthquakes, tsunamis, or volcanos.
Its the real thing
The stimulant-spiked sugar water company says of its main product that: “its the real thing”. I disagree. I think stimulant-spiked sugar water is the diametrical opposite of the real thing. I also think that there is something terribly wrong with the world and our legal system if we have giant companies like this running catchy media songs every hour pushing their sugar water.
SCIENCE = observable and quantifiable knowledge about reality.
CRIT = Not quite quantifiable knowledge about reality. Much Sociology and psychology are not science but crit.
ALEGORY = This teaches about reality or it is mere lit.
LIT = fictional stories.
POETRY = when style and sound counts instead of actually conveying direct information.
Pathogen attenuation and elder health
ALL pathogens attenuate or counter-attenuate. Nothing stays the same. And nearly all attenuate. This means that they either do less harm, or they do their harm later in life. So it is pretty clear that some number of elder diseases are the results of hit and run infections earlier in life. What I propose is that instead of using so much money for finding treatments for cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimers disease that we devote some of that money for a giant study where we take a vast number of people worldwide and examine, question, and test them for every disease and condition that can be easily tested for, even the benign ones. And then we will track these people for decades and see what turns up.
Double viral infections and cancer
Viruses benefit most from keeping their hosts alive. And they don’t benefit if the host gets cancer even 30-years later. It is just a hunch, but I think things get messy when there are multiple infections with H3-example-virus inserting itself into cell nuclei at the same time as B2-example-virus is doing much the same thing. If I was going to look for a source of errors leading to cancer I would look for people with double active infections, one of them perhaps being chronic.
Earthquake rescue equipment
In earthquake country I would have government distribute the followingequipment
1) Regular Hi-lift-jacks (1:20-pax).
2) 4” diameter heavy tube digging and pry bars, (2-man to carry) maybe 12’ long (1:20-pax).
3) HD extra-hi-lift jacks able to lift maybe 75-kips. (1:100-pax).
4) Gasoline powered diamond wet saws were there are reinforced concrete buildings. (1:200-pax).
5) Bullhorns for calling people trapped (1:100-pax).
6) telescoping “fishing pole” Microphones for inserting into rubble (1:100-pax).
The worst possible places for our cities
Aside from the desert plants, and the climate in winter, Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Tucson are the antithesis of where I would want to live in the desert. Why do we have cities here, instead of up a little higher where it is cooler and wetter? And why is Chicago roughly on the vector we would expect North America to leap when California has an earthquake. Is there a stack of alluvial wedges pointing to repeated floods of Chicago?

Definite Golden Gate erosion
Above is a USGS map of the Golden Gate with San Francisco to the south. The purple pit is an incredible 100-meters deep, about 330-feet. and it was clearly a giant flow of water that eroded this deep pit. And look at the way the slope is so much steeper on the inside of the bay. Clearly the water here gets quite high and floods the Marina district. So here is another place for our Cymology study.
Music without IP
1) Considering the tiny slice that content people get today, the actual musicians can easily get more from the automatic reward system, than from the music labels today. But we really don’t want some huge slice of our kids wasting their time on being a music celebrity. There are more important things for our kids to grow up doing. So I would advise that the Senate’s ARS budget for music is limited, so as to foul the silly present-day glam of being a music star. I would also have an annual cap on the per-person financial rewards.
2) The music licensing industry dies.
3) The musicians now have all the power, not the music business people.
4) The Senate has a number of recommendation algorithms, and these get sliver compensated by their use.
5) Kids no longer really dream so much of being a music star.
6) Making music becomes more of a pure thing than a thing influenced by huge piles of integrity corroding money.
7) Music videos go low budget, unless perhaps the content is judged as beneficial by the Senate, in which case the video makers get sliver-rewarded by the ARS.
8) The de•ex•pull’s violent songs have no means of recovering their cost because they get stigmatized and ejected from the ARS.
9) To make money, musicians will generally have to perform live, where most should ask for tips.
10) Depending on how high the Senate sets the reward levels, much less human energy might used to make musical entertainment.
No IP for collectables
To my view, government should not offer IP protection for old coins, old postage stamps, figurines, sports memorabilia, or similar things. Also, government shall not waste its energies on anything so trivial as the authenticity of this stuff, and for privately owned art where the creator is dead. It should be no crime to counterfeit any of these things.
Where copyrights don’t protect
If someone mocks you or your work in satire that is today fair use today, as it should be. The reason for this is that citizens must be able to comment on other citizens or we give up an import part of our all important right of free speech. And If the commentary is for the entire work, the right of free critical speech is still hands-down more important that the right to profit from what is said. But there should be realistic limits on this. The commentary must be genuine, and reasonable, and it cannot be an excuse to expropriate the IP.
What a great thing for our civil defense sniper riffles. What a completely unnecessary thing for citizen defenders to have. In fact citizen defenders should want to make noise to call attention and reinforcements. Only crooks want silencers in a place not at war. So silencers should come with our sniper rifles, but they should not be considered a civilian weapon.
The police need arrest records
They need to know if the guy just accused of rape was accused twice before but never charged. But this non-conviction arrest information is not public information, and it is a crime and a shameful thing publish this information. It is like broadcasting a video of a mostly naked woman escaping a rapist, or someone getting badly beaten. These people have a right to confidentiality from government and the information system.
If there are any trials of Ishtarians/Exhods
They must occur after the new government has been mustered for at least 6-months. In the US, this will be much easier, and everywhere else it will be much fairer.
Standard golf
This is the intermediary forest and glen golf that is between macro-golf and miniature golf. It should be played with only 2-clubs. These should be a putter and a driver length 9-iron that has a 3” x 5” impact surface and a head that weighs 400grams. The ball and the hands must be centered on the player at impact, so the club is not laid down to achieve a lower slope and greater distance.
Life expectancy and air pollution
How much higher is life expectancy in Santa Monica vs. say Silverlake? How much higher is it at the end of Long Island vs. Manhattan? How much higher is it at Dover vs. central London? If there is little difference, then certainly our cities are clean enough.
GDP is a completely flawed way to measure output
What if we all start driving totally save single-wide vehicles that weigh 1/3 as much as the typical car? What if these also cost about 1/3 as much? Certainly GDP will plummet as a result.
The Mexican government should start talking about scrapping Pemex and opening its oil fields domestic and foreign drilling leases in 1,000 tracks.
Spare tires
If everyone uses the same wheel, then you can just call for a wheel replacement drone if you get a flat tire. Also, no need to waste space and roll a spare around.
Abandoned roads
Road maintenance is expensive on a per foot basis. I see a world in 20-years where many remote two lane double-wide roads become double lane, single wide roads that allow for double-wide uses at night. Thus networked vehicles cut the area snd cost of the country road system by 50% as well. We should first use the savings to fence our highways and end the roadkill slaughter of our wildlife.
Sirage centers
There should be IUI/ IVF clinics over the world, for the Senators and others who can’t get, or don’t want natural sireage. It is important that we quickly get on with this or we will lose even more of our best lines.
Income from exclusive agreements
This should be subject to an income tax of perhaps 30% or 60%.
Townships are closed systems
Imagine a town with say 16 outer roads, and fences around all the roads for the 60-kph (37mph) buggies. That is how people can live in nature lands without harming the wildlife. And there is no road to this place, there is only the raised rail viaduct. So there is zero road-kill. What is the harm of 20,000 people living this way atop a beautiful Appalachian mountain where it is cool in summer, and the air is clean and everyone is far above the ocean.
We waste all our lovely hills today
Many of the car-free, pollution-free townships should going in our nation’s nicest hilltops, where the air is clean and cool, where there are views and where it can be much more bug-free.
The real sky train
It is a system with 3 and 4-meter viaducts around the urban areas, and everywhere else there are fences and bridges. In this sort of system here are almost no accidents even considering the immense speeds.
9-ball pool
They rack the balls 1 through 9. If the 9-ball goes in any time during player’s turn, the player wins the game. The 9-ball is also symbolically white (pure) with a yellow (as opposed to a green) stripe.
Vertical gardens
The right way to do these is to plant vines on the ground and train the vines to grow up one or two stories. Thus the environment becomes green to the eye, and sound gets absorbed, but little urban space is used for this. The upper floors, and half the walls should be near white to reflect the light better and have narrower areas between the buildings and denser communities.
Direct sunlight is so powerful for lighting
A 2% patch of direct sunlight will transform a room, even if the floor is brick red. Maybe in northern climates there should be tilting “solar technology” mirrors above our building walkways to increase winter sunlight between the buildings in denser communities.
Border mines
I do not support unfenced minefields ever. However fenced and clearly signed minefields on a nation’s borders are not the same thing.
Zebras and other animals
You may find one or two instances of animal words in my writing. They are just searchable words left here and there as a place marker for things I wanted to come back to and look at again.
30.3 million Americans have diabetes
This is 9.4 percent of the U.S. population –have diabetes. Our bodies didn’t evolve to eat sugar all day. We can tolerate it the way people can tolerate alcohol, but it wears our organs down and ages us quicker. And this particularly so with fructose, which is metabolized by the liver, like alcohol.
$8,000/ year
This is the average added healthcare cost of having diabetes. So the total US healthcare cost of diabetes is about $242-billion/year. This is about $745/ per capita, about $1,920/ per worker, or about 1.25% of US GDP annually. This does works out to about $2/day per person, and does not include anything for the reduced quality of life and early death of sufferers.
Nobody will miss the sugar
Trust me, after a couple weeks, nobody will miss it if we reduce added sweetener content by 10% per month until it is 50% or 75% lower across the board.
Thoughts about war
1) If your nation is throwing everything in and sending your boys and old men to fight, your nation is the victim of a genocide as Germany was twice in the 20th century, and Iran was in the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s.
2) If your old men, boys and women have rifles and can shoot bad guys at 200m, it is a wonderful thing for civil defense, for your nation is now much more resistant to invasion.
3) It is much better for the cause of freedom and peace that a nation has 4 people who know how to shoot a rifle, and each have a rifle in the armory, than it has one well-trained person in the military. The former has a one time cost of about $700. The later costs perhaps 70,000/year including all non-salary costs.
4) If we handed a million bolt action rifles out in Cuba population 11.4 million, the dictatorship would not be tenable, and all for about $200-million pluse gun distribution costs.
video mimic controls of robots
This involves using a chest cam that watches the movements of your arms and gestures of your hands. Then these movements are used to control robotic arms including backhoes.
School products
There should be no school rings or wrist watches. Also, all school yearbooks must be virtual and free.
Township buggies
I would use buggies with 4-wheels, but this is roughly what I was thinking about for township buggies, although maybe with a single door on one side and a bench seat. Also, given the network operation, slow speed and lack of intersections, perhaps the upper parts are simply made from plastic, including the windows perhaps.
A fleet of identical buggies in each township
Entire fleets will be bought and sold at once. No dealer in the middle. They are mostly shared. No expert mechanics. No expensive parts. All parts on site. Cheap mass delivery. No drivers. They run on air compressed at the township plant and do not pollute the place they are driven in. They have no cloth in them to get dirty. The long distance ones for the exurbs might have a moped engine in them.
Robotic delivery
The delivery droids should have a robotic way to bring people their deliveries without anyone being there. They should cause the delivery box to open and then put the delivery into the box. Then they close the box to close again. And we might have separate boxes for packages and for “door food”.
Farm robots
What if the robots only had to be driven once, for one season, and then they would learn how to do their job the same each year, day or night. What if farmers pooled their land and robotic equipment and these went on driverless for great distances in a straight line. What if there was a standard public IP open source harvesters with immense throats? What if all the best planters and other AGROBOTS were ubiquitized?
Mine augurs
They have a stub flaps on the top of their cutting blades, a bit back, one on each side. These fold down to allow the cut material to spiral up, but they fold back up to stop it from falling when the augur is hauled up, Their 3-tips (center and two sides) also have a recoiling pop devices, like a roto-hammer.

Why so many people are in prison
The number one cause of incarceration in the land of the free is our stupid drug laws. But right behind our stupid drug laws are our stupid weapons laws. And by what twisted logic has our vitally important 2nd amendment been turned into such a huge a fool trap?
Also while we are looking at this graph, note how about 90% of the US federal prison population is being jailed for drug possession, weapon possession, immigration violations, public order violations, or parole violations. In my world, the number of drug and weapons offenses plummets, and the immigrants, probation violators, and aggressive bums work in camps.
Free communications
This may take some years in the poorest nations, and if it becomes subject to abuse, or all day use, heavy users may be taxed.
Sanctuary for illegal aliens
It doesn’t matter if a county votes to allow this, harboring illegal immigrants is a national crime.
The new drug development process
1) Drug search: This is the chemist testing chemicals so that the Senate can repeat them.
2) Drug testing. This is the Senate re-testing and approving the various or not.
3) Ubiquitization and government publicity, or not.
4) Drug is generic and all the drug making companies that care to make it are competing to get it to market.
A few sunflower seeds taste nice
If you have a lot, there is a disgusting element to the taste that build’s up. This is by evolution. It is the plant encouraging symbiot nibbling over symbiot feasting. That flavor should be found and eliminated genetically. But would the plant then be GMO if we simply take away a disgusting flavor chemical?
Train speed optimization
Lets assume that we stop using the high friction train wheels we use today, the ones with the “friction flanges” on the inside. And lets assume that we use sealed bearing for our wheels on perfectly smooth robo-adjuted track. And the same for our guidance wheels. And because we are using large I-beams for tracks and proper foundations, there is almost no track sag to overcome. So that is gone. And our trains are also quite a bit lighter than today and their load is much more evenly distributed on more small wheels and load points. So the question is this. Assuming a 20 car train, at what speed is wind resistance half of rolling resistance?
At what speed is it equal?
At what speed is it 2x?
At what speed is it 4x?
At what speed is it 8x?
At what speed is it 16x?
At what speed is it 32x?
At what speed is it 64x?
I think our main-line trains, like the Italian west-side backbone train may soon go just as fast as an airliner. And maybe the viaducts will need to be 6m up and partly psi shielded (like the Greek letter psi) for protection against wind disturbance. But there is no reason why we can’t go this fast. And there is no airport security, or need to get their early. You just get on and zip away at airline speed. So downtown Los Angeles is about an hour and a half from downtown San Francisco.
Susquehannock state forest
If this was where “Reyork City” was relocated, and our trains went 400kph, Boston would be maybe 75-minute away. Toronto: 40-mins. Columbus: 60-mins. Chicago: 100mins, Milwaukee: 120mins.

The new American East
Do you see the greenbelt running from about Chattanooga northeast to north central Pennsylvania. We might put 5 interchanges there, mostly to cater to the old system, so it can access the new system. And this will revitalize all the old city centers.
Everything car based is not real
The suburban housing with driveways and garages, the shopping malls, the strip malls, the traffic, the sidewalks, none of it is actually real.
What Phoenix is
It is the American city that squanders the most energy thanks to its famously hot summers, and its spread-out car-based design. It is the Arab fee-nix or no-fee city that pays with oil instead. Phoenix and Las Vegas (close enough to drive out to) are not real cities. They are Arab creations in America. Creations that support high oil prices.
Phoenix 2050
Townships will be especially popular in the most inhospitable climates. So we imagine that much of Phoenix will move to the ultra cheap, ultra nice high desert townships in the nicer climated parts of Arizona. (or elsewhere) Then we imagine Phoenix mostly abandoned.
Alaskan township living
Imagine an Alaskan community or a Siberian community where you can go to work wearing only a sweater in January. Imagine an India where most people don’t really go outside when it is over 40°C. Then people will not care so much about living in a perfect Climate. Then there will be so much more land to go around.
Italy 2050AD
Maybe 70% of people will live in townships, and 30% will live in the various ancient and beautiful parts. Most everyone will live in townships due to the low cost and accessibility.
Italian street plan chaos
It helps reinforce the idea that our cities, societies and laws all just sort of evolved that way. And I want to point something out, that most of modern Rome’s streets were laid out after the renaissance. Nearly all of Ancient Rome’s streets were only a couple meters across.
Roman traffic congestion
Just as Ishtar benefits from suburban traffic congestion today, it benefitted from pedestrian traffic congestion Rome. Here we imagine a giant city where most of the pedestrian roads were maybe 2 meters wide. And the roads would fill with people, and the buildings were frequently 6 and 8 stories tall. So in Ancient Rome, location was important, otherwise you would have to wait in pedestrian traffic just as we wait in automobile traffic.
Rome was designed for arson
Is your city designed to self destruct in some way? Maybe the fire of Rome was only one of many great fires that Rome experienced, “impersonized into one. Drilling will tell us all about this.
Sisyphus re-imagined
You misunderstand the terrain that Sisyphus’ is pushing the rock on. He is not pushing it to the top of a peak, but up the side of a surface feature like a volcanic caldera. The rock can be pushed up and out of the caldera or rut and into a new land of abundance.
My message is not the actual bloom
It is only the plan for the first step of the bloom. You all must do the rest, the far greater part.
I am pro GMO
I think it is a good idea, aside from the genetic pollution from carcinogenic and toxic plants.
Is chrysanthemum toxic or carcinogenic?
Surely there are many people somewhere that drink this stuff regularly. If it is not toxic in these immense doses, then perhaps we want to start developing crops that have chrysanthemum genes in them, or maybe we make synthetic chrysanthemum extract and spray it over our crops as a sort of synthetic natural pesticide, which is what pyrethrin is.
Orange suit probation
It is community service halfway to jail. Here we imagine people having to do orange suit work under head-cam, as say urban cleaners and landscaper during the day, while they watch reform videos at night.
Video reform school
If you are a good kid and do your CS work and watch your videos as you are supposed to, you will not have to stay in the reform school camp. However judges may order camp for certain offenses.
I didn’t prohibit gambling
I could have gone much further than I did. Maybe the Senate will decide to go further later. Maybe it will back up.
It is only a starting point
My democracy is not built of words printed on stone tablets. Your group spirit will soon be much smarter than me. The group spirit should feel free to change anything in my constitution it wants to. Let nobody cast my words above the true spirit of a nation, provided that spirit is not trying to corrupt, disable, or narrow the democracy.
6-fan electro-copters
The correct configuration as far as I would think is to have 6-independently powered and operated fans. This way, if one or even perhaps two fail, the thing can make it to the ground. I might put the fans in a single housing. And what about a parachute for the detachable passenger compartment?
Transexuals and pedophiles
I want to draw a line, a clear line for sexual morality, a line that should be very hard to cross. And I draw that line with only a question. Does your sexual practice fool other people into having sex with you? For if your sexual practice involves tricking others, it should be a crime. By this I mean that Children are unable to decide for themselves, and don’t understand what they are doing. And to a lesser extent, people pretending to be of the other sex are doing much the same thing: They are fooling others.
Does Eu•tropia allow allow gender fraud on the honor system? Does it allow lies told in public? Is Eu•tropia tolerant of practices that blur the line, and help turn people into homosexuals?
SWITCH CHANGE = change that can’t be done incrementally.
GRADUAL CHANGE = change that can be done incrementally
Some things must be switch changed
I mean, nobody is taking a gradual approach to abortions. Either you kill Ishtar or you leave it alone. No middle ground.
Some new terms
Our current rail systems
Every rail system I have ever seen is an absolute antique, a silly thing with narrow gauge, spaghetti-thin rails. And most are priced for maximum public ripoff. I think all the narrow gauge trains should just all be scrapped and replaced with wide-gauge rails that will go at Shinkansen speeds while spending nothing to keep the train afloat on that silly cushion of air.
Fast trains = big cities with lots of cheap land
Imagine trains 4 to 5 times faster than nighttime freeways, and maybe 8 times faster than average daytime urban freeway speeds in America. Here is a city with 16 or 25 or 64 times as much land depending on how you measure it.
Wide gauge costs not more
Wide gauge tracks are no more expensive than narrow ones given split trestles. And the locomotives and cars are less than 1% of the cost of a new train line.
People can see clear leaps
When much better things came out, everyone just knows they are better. So will it be with my message.
1) The electric typewriter.
2) The television.
3) Apple’s personal computer.
4) Apple’s graphical user interface.
5) The giant search engine Google.
6) Apple’s iPhone portable computer and cellphone.
Super expensive realtors and lawyers
Are realtors really worth 6% of a sales transaction? Of course not. Are lawyers really worth 1/3 of a legal settlement? Are they worth $800/hour as the first-rate lawyers that tend to win cases charge? Of course not.
Our anti-business legal system
Most commercial claims are priced out of the legal system by the high cost of hiring professional arguers. While at the same time, the system mostly revolves around making our businesses pay huge death-penalty damages for any harm they might have possibly caused.
How can I hold my tongue?
What would I be if I avoided going after the lawyers because of the stream of bullshit they will surely hurl at me? Hopefully the world will realize that I speak the truth and that I need protection from lawsuits. Hopefully you will all realize that national matters, and matters of national policy can only be tried by the Senate, and the highest Senate that will hear the matter.
Transverse infant carseats
The correct position for an infant is transverse to the direction of movement. Putting them vertically is stupid because it causes back compression. Therefore the correct position is to lay them horizontally. Also, is there any research on disc compression and hunch back among infants ferried around in car seats?
How much infant head jostling is ok?
I bet there are lots of baby prams causing lots of brain damage.
Self control and repression
What is the difference between lacking self control and having an unrepressed mind?
Standard shoebox skins
I see our precast shoeboxes as having skins made from a 2x to 4x thick, intricately-formed version of the material they use for cement corrugated roofing. This goes on a formed styrofoam insulation wrap that is maybe 30-40cm (12”-16”) thick and is maybe R70 to R100 insulation wise. The real eco people will probably go for the R-100 townships with only 1% thermal loss.
AV cams
Penalty service and Exhod work should be under AV cams to verify that the person is actually working.
Australian Cymology
This is very important, as it will give us the implied movement of Australia, and the source of Pacific and Indian ocean epochal lyses.
IDIOT = idi•ot = idea•hear = a person who thinks what he hears. An idiot cannot think for himself.
STUPID IDIOT = someone who didn’t hear much and bases his worldview on what little he heard.
SMART IDIOT = someone who heard a great deal and still bases his worldview on what he heard.
Cement and concrete companies
Companies that sell cement shall not also sell concrete and vice versa. No concrete company shall do business more than one county, although traveling up to 250km into a neighboring county shall be permitted. No company shall supply more than 5% of the nation’s cement or concrete. The importation of cement shall be prohibited. Structure casting factories may source their concrete domestically from up to 1,000km away.
The idea is to totally defrock Ishtar
No games, no deceptions, no tricks. Just a naked gorgon and a virtual worldwide mirror. Then we move on to a world without Ishtar where unrepentant Ishtarians get treated like the devil itself. Don’t risk it, don’t be greedy.
The Mideast religions must go
We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The hard way is where you keep your devil’s religions and try to convince the outside world to accept your criminal con•piracy. The easy way is to give up the religions one and all. This sends a very important message that your people have had a major revelation and that they are all emphatic that you will abandon trying to help the people back home. The host nations will all promise to do this until everyone has a way to live, and you will end Ishtar and its religions. And it is playing with fire and going down the Fire of Rome/ 68AD path to go the other path.
What I am entitled to
1) To be called Senator and Ubiq for my contribution, and to have my children considered as sires.
2) To have many children with willing partners, so you can have more people like me in the future.
3) To public protection from terrorists, crazies, reporters, surveilers, and glad hands.
4) To a pension of three times the average wage if I run out of money.
5) To the same level of healthcare that Over-Senators get.
Evolution happens differently than devolution
Evolution involves tiny little increments added, but devolution tends to involve much longer sections of genetic code that have been turned off. You need to look at my genome and compare it everyone else’s which sections of brain DNA do I have that are on, while everyone else generally has them off, or mostly off.
I am a throwback, a dinosaur
I am what the smartest were like before the many genetic falls.
I am not a mind reader
If you want changes make a punch list, or highlight them in yellow and put the recommended change after in dark green text.
Speaking as a group
There is a big difference between you you guys speaking to me as individuals telling me what you think, and when you all think that I have made a mistake.
Have I made other commands?
Can you send me a list of my prior commands?
Sci-fi: Contact-Variant
Just like in the Carl Sagan film, a radio message is received space. Then it takes a while to figure out the crack. But in this film, the message is not a mechanism for space travel. It is a mechanism for time travel. In particular, it is a way to accelerate our evolution so that we are more quickly available to communicate with the other meta-species. They noticed us on the edge of our metaflux and wanted to help us by shooting us their standard hailing message, which is a huge multi-volume universal codex of knowledge. And this is how they communicate with backwards species like mankind. They also say that only about a 25% of species manage to implement their suggestions, while 70% do nothing with it, and about 5% have a great war before implementing the changes.
The end of days rain shock
When the giant end of days eruption finally happens, the rains will just stop to the maximum. Then the rains will slowly return to normal after some years. So try to imagine a world with maybe 1/2 the rainfall. How will the Southwest US states make it? How will northern Mexico make it? We need to make preparations for this eventuality. And continent-scale aqueducts are not only good climate change insurance, but they are also useful today.
Iridium rich layers with most Sauropod bones?
It is just a hunch, but I bet quite a few Sauropod bones tend to come from layers with slightly raised layers of Iridium. What can we infer from an observable correlation here? Answer:
1) That volcano driven climate change also probably existed below the threshold we are able to detect it in sedimentary iridium.
2) That climate change may have ultimately killed all the remaining dinosaurs all at once, but climate change must have 20% to 80% decimated the dinosaurs thousands of times.
3) That most of the fossils we have may have formed under conditions of sudden climate change, and drought, and may not represent the true life conditions of the specimens we have. This is especially so for diets.
4) That sudden climate change has been a repeated problem for the life-forms of our planet.
5) That the KT layer is probably also from volcanism and not a meteor.
6) Then again, maybe ir•idium is ir•real and ir•relevant.
Marijuana edibles
I think these should be outlawed as products because they can so easily be laced or the formula changed in a hard to detect way. Also, the idea of drugged sweets is stupid when we think of parents. And we have all heard stories of people who mistakenly ate some space cakes and accidentally got very high. What if they were driving or flying an airliner and suddenly got very high? And then there is how cooking marijuana eliminates most of the run-and-find-out chemicals. And then there is the way people often get so high on edibles, and how it often takes hours to get high. So What I would do is say that if people want to cook or bake with marijuana, or give marijuana food to their friends, they are free to do so. But all commercially available marijuana edibles and beverages should be outlawed as hashish. And people will be able to make their own hash, it is just they will not be able to give this to non-family members or sell it commercially. And there will also be pure pharmaceutical extracts to eat: It is just that space cakes and space candies and space pasta will be outlawed.
Old cookies
I need fresh. Lower left mail slot. Multiple layers of plastic bag to control odor.
Reptiles and dope
We should test Iguana activity on Marijuana. We should starve them if we have to, so they will start eating it, but after they are accustomed to eating marijuana, we should compare their activity to other iguanas given say artichokes. Do the Marijuana lizards roam farther. This will tell us if Marijuan is from the age of reptiles.
Famine fruits
Marijuana, artichokes, prickly pear, dragon fruit, peyote, pomegranites, coffee, natal plum, jujube, tamarind and sweet smelling jacaranda look sort-of like dry climate famine fruits. They look like these barely nutritious plants that only really spread their seeds well when the rains don’t come and the big animals left their fertile habitats in search of food. But that is enough to spread seeds, isn’t it? If I was looking for run-and-find-out drugs, I might start here among these plants that must be really “cheap” with water and nutrition.
The animals nibbles and feels great, so it nibbles more and more, and more, and more, until it overdoses and dies and fertilizes the plant. Cocaine is a very efficient plant poison for the die here strategy. Cocaine is much better than just being poisonous. It actually draws animals in, so even casual nibblers tend to be eventually poisoned and turned into valuable fertilizer. All the world’s blowers need to realize how the plant benefitted much from the overdoses happening all of a sudden.
The fake pleasure drugs
Here is how I see opium and cocaine. They are from plants that want to lure animals to their eventual poisoning so they can become fertilizer for the plants. I also see them as these fake pleasure plants — and from where I stand, they are nasty things. I see them as taking over the real pleasure in people’s lives, and diminishing it so all the users crave is fake pleasure and a non-life of fake pleasure.
I bet we will soon be able to produce better than alcohol experiences with drugs. And it is a pretty easy thing to be less harmful than alcohol and with fewer side effects.
Bouncer is a blid
Bouncer is a great name for someone who was on a downward trajectory and then bounced. It is the junky who not only gets off junk, but he goes on to get hundreds of people off it, running his own opiate “junk-yard”. This is the sort of bouncer that should be respected by society, and maybe if he is smart, elected to the Senate.
GODADDYITIS = This is when a company constantly makes “Upgrades” to its services that are not actually upgrades, but mere cosmetic changes such as relocation of website buttons and streamlining of commands so their customers have trouble finding features that were previously easy to find. A good example of Godaddyitis is the way that Godaddy just removed standard colors from its wordpress engine, and also the way that now, two colors cannot be put on subsequent lines but must have an empty line between them (see above). Also, I would really like the underlined text in the section below to be blue, but I can no longer do this without turning the entire text block blue. And why did I have to spend 5 minutes searching all the commands looking for the new location of the insert image button? And why did I have to spend another 5-minutes figuring out how to insert the image. And why did your team bother to change the method of inserting an image if they were not trying to screw-up GD’s customers? When companies must take 9 steps backwards for every 10 steps forward, they really should test their changes more carefully… or stop making changes altogether.
Most cancer seems to be caused by tobacco
Supposedly 40% of all cancers are linked to tobacco. However, these are just the proven cancers. I bet that second hand smoke, liars and forgetters brings it up to 60% or 80% of white-collar cancers. The story is here.
Lets just call them clicks
Kilometers is such a long word.
Mahabaleshwar should have a new city
This mountain plateau is just south of Pune India. It is 1,350m up and thus has a climate about 9°C cooler than at sea level. Thus the average monthly high does not exceed 30°C and the nights are always more than cool enough to chill structures through the day. It is a ideal place for an new Indian city due to its wonderful climate.
To my point of view, the entire unused mountain range on the West side of India should be full of new rail based cities at a Bangalore-like elevation or above. And so should the mountains of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu and so many other high parts of India.
And it is not just India, but all over the world that we should build our cities in cool high-altitude tropical places that are not only safer, but they are in places where the climate is nicer and more suitable to urban plantings, whatever they may be. And they will tend to have nice views and surrounding wilderness parks too. Or maybe they will have municipal orchards around them, or something like the Kandy botanical gardens. And there will be no cars or exhaust, or road dust. And the animals will be gone from your cities by ordinance. And all the cars will use compressed air and operate themselves and serve each rail-based township’s hinterlands, on 5-foot ribbons of the super smooth asphalt ribbons they use for roads.
India’s Kutch district
China has its oil near Hainan, and India has its oil here.

For those who don’t know, sangeevani is a magical Herb from Hindu mythology mentioned in the Ramayana a Hindu scripture book. The word really sounds like San Giovani doesn’t it? Where is San Giovani? It is dead center in the spur on the boot of Italy. San Giovani is one brotherly bra•man poking the other with his spur. That is what Sanjeevani is. It is water expensive imported spice they have.
Taiwan & Sir Lanka
China’s number one international objective is to reunite with the peaceful and prosperous Island of 23-million people off its coast. On the other hand, India can’t be bothered about Sri Lanka, a war torn island of 22-million that is just off its coast. At least I think India should take an interest in the government sponsored/condoned killing of ethnic Indians in Sri Lanka.
Holly wood
The wood of the holly plant is supposedly the whitest of all woods. The prickly leaves supposedly represent Jesus’ crown of thorns, and the berries the drops of blood shed by Jesus due to the thorns. In Scandinavia holly plants are called “Christ thorn”.
1) it orbits the sun.
2) It is probably spray from the destruction of the planet where the asteroid belt currently is.
3) It looks like a streak of spray.
4) Except when it is right by the sun, its orbital speed is about 26.5km/second. This is close to Mars’s orbital speed of 24km/s and earth’s orbital speed of 30km/s.
Low sugar dark chocolate
The correct way to offer this is by listing the sugar content at 4%, 8% 12%, 16% and 20%. This is made of nothing but chocolate, extra cocoa butter, and glucose,
Should inactive people pay more tax?
If our smokers, drinkers, and sugar gluttons have to pay a premium for their unhealthy lifestyle, maybe the lazies should too. Maybe government should offer a healthcare discount for those who can document a certain level of physical activity per week under video and gps. A certain time walking, or another time on an elliptical, or jogging, or working in a carwash, or painting walls. And it is probably different for all age groups. Maybe we will have this giant tax deduction/credit scheme where level 1 and level 2 activity get a similar amount to the alcohol free increment. May it will even be as big as the smoking increment.
QUADRANT HOMES = homes where four units share a floor, each getting one corner of the roughly square building.
Let me call my legal advisor
We should not discourage legal advice delivered over the phone as much as legal advice delivered in an office. Maybe phone lawyers should pay 30% income tax and meeting and court lawyers should pay a 40% income tax. Or maybe we will have to raise it to 45% an 60% to make a bigger dent in the legal “profession”.
Even if the cop is wrong…
You must not resist arrest. If you feel he is abusing his power, you can file a complaint for Senate review. This is an idea that should be repeated in the media.
Confession vs. Co-operation
If you confess, it has no place in court. However if you show the police who sold you the WMD, that is a whole other thing. Also the former has no bearing on leniency, while the latter certainly may.
Roman javlin-eers probably used spear throwers
This not only imparted more energy to their artillery projectiles, but it also allowed for a more horizontal and higher-powered vector which increased impact speed and range. And the javlineers were probably not much less accurate than a baseball pitcher. So each throw might result in a 25% batting average and hit ratio for individuals, and a near sure thing for groups. So this kept the barbarians from attacking in large groups, because they would get hit with javelins as fast as the Roman soldiers could draw their javelins from their quiver. And I say quiver because javelins might haver been a bit heavier, but they were not much bigger than arrows today.
For those fighting to liberate others
Here are modified lyrics for what I take to be the Roman military song “We will kill you”. Blood on your face is a reference to the Roman military tactic of “hasta-la-vista”, or a “spear-to-the-face”, where the Romans in the second row of a battle square would use their spears to jab the barbarian enemy in the face, and then if possible slash the enemy’s neck arteries on the return stroke.
“Buddy, you’re a punk, make a big’ol noise
Shooting up the street, gonna be a man someday
You spilled blood in your place, you big disgrace
We’re going to kick your can all over the place, singin’
We will, we will rock you
We will, we will rock you
Buddy, you’re a chump, a big man’s fool
Wanna rule the world for your king someday
You spilled blood in your place, you big disgrace
Waving a slave’s banner all over the place
We will, we will rock you,
sing it!
We will, we will rock you
sing it
Buddy, fulla hate and just plain wrong
You got bloody tricked, cuz you’re not so smart
You spilled blood in your place, you big disgrace
That’s why we gotta put you back into ya place
We will, we will rock you,
sing it!
We will, we will rock you
sing it”
Zip-train energy recapture
Whatever is recaptured from the decelerating trains on one side of the track is sent to the other side of the tracks to be used by the accelerating trains. This way there is no energy storage loss. And this is another reason why the system will have to use A/C current.
2,500 Centi-Nomes with startup funding budgets
Our million-man Sub-Senate of 2,500 Centi-Nomes will be quite entrepreneurial. And it will keep the big picture of all society in mind with its investments. Lots of change is coming down the pipe now. And everyone can mortgage (or sell) his house now, so there will be lots of investment money from there. And there will be 2,500 Centi-Nomes with start-up funding budgets.
2-months basic military service
The military and militia should be about training lots of people to defend the nation. This is why I would rather have 24 times as many people who went for 1-month of training than 1/24th as many people who served for 2-years.
Offensive warfare
1) Weapons that favor defenders are good, weapons that favor attackers are bad.
2) We need to be able to redundantly jam all frequencies and rapidly shoot down a great many satellites very quickly. Otherwise there is a big risk of drone attack.
3) GPS favors attackers, not defenders.
4) Soon after anyone uses a satellite based drone attack, all the satellites worldwide get shot down.
5) Using kill drones needs to be regarded as similar to using nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. This rule however should not apply to stateless combatants, mercenaries, and to religious fanatics who would use violence to seize territory or convert people to their religion.
Coastal property traded
Coronado, Mission Beach, and Imperial Beach and parts of Downtown, National City and Chula vista will (I would hope) be abandoned quickly and will have little value. But there is a whole lot more property that people will want to live and sleep in for a while, at least seasonally. This will probably have enough value to buy a new township condo.
Mexico and house casting
I bet that Mexico will cast and fit-out more than its share of houses for North America. And I see all of Mexico living in cool quiet stacked township apartments with R-100 insulation top bottom and sides, and central air conditioning. I see the people getting around via dust and pollution-free 400kph transit. I see Mexico abandoning its filthy-aired capital built in the one place nobody should ever have a city. Mexico city: it is totally hazardous for earthquakes, and also totally hazardous for air pollution due to the inversion layers that form there.
You know to go from say Point Loma to a township might not be that big of an improvement, but to go from some smoggy, dangerous peripheral Mexico city location to a township will be a huge leap. And even for low-cost Mexico, townships will still be cheaper than cars and roads and hand built buildings.
Los Angeles: What a terrible location
1) It is prone to huge earthquakes.
2) It is prone to small earthquakes like Northridge.
3) It is vulnerable to tsunamis.
4) It is subject to giant wildfires.
5) It doesn’t have enough water.
6) It is subject to smog inversions.
The problem with the Pacific plate
I think our cymology study will tell us that the Pacific plate tends to jump a lot, while the North American plate doesn’t jump nearly as much. Maybe it is an 80/20 thing with the Pacific plate jumping 4-times as far. So that strip of coastal land, where pretty much all the golden cachet California properties are — from the Golden Gate and San Francisco to Los Angeles, San Diego and going to Cabo San Lucas — I think it is likely that this place will be mostly depopulated over the coming decades.
Fly or rail between cities
We may keep intercity roads for defense vehicles, but most of the roads for the rural and wilderness areas will connect with the nearest major rail interchange. All the roads will radiate from this point, and many will be one way, alternating in and out. Thus our road system can be single lane and single wide, some thing that is very efficient for using our hillsides.
Vishnu the protector from evil
Is Vishnu really viz•neo? Is he the new insight that protects the world against the evil ex•pull of Mideast parasitism? You know, Vedic Sanskrit is related to Mycenaean Greek and Ancient Greek. And Yaska’s 1st century etymology seems pretty inky-hinky, i mean the name “permeate•all” doesn’t really seem quite appropriate for Vishnu. And the Mideast would want to cover this name up.
What Vishnu held in his four hands
1) Lotus flower (the legendary source of opium).
2) Mace (originally imported from the Banda Islands.
3) A shell (symbol of ocean trade).
4) A coiled snake (ready to be given to the troublesome).
All of these things are related to the traders. So perhaps Vishnu’s four arms are related to the Peacock’s many eyes, the many hands being another way to symbolically represent Ishtar’s many eyes. So while Christianity is based on a Mideast book, Hinduism’s main protective deity is a representation of the Arab trade mafia and what it has to offer.
Shiva the destroyer
The name sounds like Sheba, and also she•va= she•goes. Is this She=Ishtar, the destroyer of outside output so people are more desperate for Mideast goods? So Vishnu is the spirit of more and better in the host society. And Shiva is the less and worse spirit of parasitism living in the hearts of Mideast exhods in the host society. So in a way Vishnu really is related to the Christian god and Shiva is related to the Christian devil.
This is the Br•an•A, the harem spawn. It is said to be an aspect of Vishnu, but that is a lie, isn’t it? The harem rewards are for those who serve Ishtar=shiva, and the harem output people must work for Ishtar=shiva or they get brunted = bur•n’t•ed = bro•not•ed. So it is a lie that Brama is an aspect of Vishnu. Can you see how the Arab de•ex•pull = devil = Vishnu created Hinduism to hide in? What better way to hide the often discernible spirits, than to have a confusingly similar religion, to give the two spirits names and call them this eternal struggle between the gods, rather than the economic realities of parasite and host group spirits.
Cambodian Vishnu
He comes with a coiled snake (secret power), shells (sea trade), metal (money), and a club that looks quite a bit like a dildo or a “stupa”. And if we assume that these priests are like Catholic priests, this dildo was to “schtup” the kids. This was so the little boys would turn into homos when they grew up, and so that the little girls would be more sexually available to the priestly caste.
Roman Church International
Those of you who are not Catholic: Can you all do me a big favor and call the religion as “Roman Church International”.
If you let them
The key phrase here is: “If you let them”. They are more powerful than any one of you, but together, you can crush them like an insect. Ring the bell, call everyone, and Ishtar will flee the scene. Go back to your distant suburban homes and Ishtar will return.
Sanskrit the 3 Gunas = tendencies, qualities, atributes
Tamas = darkness, inactivity, dullness, lazyness, apathy.
Rajas = light, activity, sharpness, energy, and passion.
Sattva = goodness, purity, balance, harmony, universalizing, holistic, positive, peaceful, virtuous.
Samskriti = same as writing
Judging from this video, Samskriti schools don’t seem to involve any reading or writing. There seems to be a little bit of education, a lot of group chanting, group song and group dance, stick fighting, bike racing and hiking. Then there is the fancy videography and reasonable sounding education philosophy words. Grown-ups should be allowed to attend a school like this, but it should be considered child abuse to fake-educate children this way.
A bit of a paradox
The exhods that get sent to Indonesia will not be housed in tent cities, they will be housed in cast concrete dormitories and Hong Kong sized units in townships connected by 400kph trains. The facilities will be new and nice for this reason, if they are not also small. And the west should be careful not to let the exhod parts of Indonesia turn into prisons, but it should help them to make a living.
Macro golf sucks
How can we grow ornamental grass when we could grow food to feed the hungry?
Semi-sweet halava
I would require that this stuff lists its seed content in a percentage like chocolate, Then you can get 98%, or 96%, or 94% halava that is 2%, 4%, 6% sugar. Great stuff, but it is too darn sweet. I also might make halava out of almond, corn flower, sesame, linseed, sunflower and press the oil out of it is hard and not so oily, like the Canadia halava from Noble foods, but not so sweet.
All businesses must die after some decades
It isn’t just people who get too old, organizations age and grow decrepit too. Look at Sears and IBM. Sears should have died and been “recycled” in the 1990s and IBM in the next decade.
Why don’t they make buffalo milk products in Asia?They have water buffalos. This true “pizza cheese” and it is very tasty.
Trip advice
You want to be biased towards stopping more along the way and looking around. This goes for road trips as well as life trips. You should always be asking yourself: “Is this what I should be doing?”
Funeral ashes
They should not be kept. If the survivors want, they can take the ashes in an off-white unglazed ceramic urn and spread them somewhere nice and remote.

Beautiful red rock country
Why not have a couple car-free pedestrian only townships here? The walls could be the same color as the rock and the roof the same color as the plants. Why not use the most beautiful and safe parts of the world for housing, instead of say Florida.
Drone registration
For all the reasons that cars have license plates, drones should probably also have numbers on them. Also, drones should be registered with the DMV and have location trackers/ transmitters on them that alert the operator when the area is closed. Near airports and closed areas, drone use gets tracked. The penalties for violations might be like driving a car without a license.
Slowing time
Step-1) The micro-sliver jamming of gravity and time waves so that gravity can be diminished by 1-ppm.
Step-2) The micro-sliver jamming of gravity and time waves so that gravity can be diminished by 1%.
Step 3) The micro-sliver jamming of gravity and time waves so that gravity can be diminished by say 50%.
Step 4) The micro-sliver jamming of gravity and time waves so that gravity can be diminished by over 99%.
Why must men fear being leaders?
I am sure nearly everyone fears the scrutiny. They fear being denounced by their political opponents for some silly insignificant thing they did, like Al Franken. And let me tell you, this is a terrible and debilitating illness for our democracy. We can’t afford to rule-out leaders because they were womanizers, or pushy daters, or they took drugs, or they had aggressive episodes, or a bankruptcy, or divorced. None of these things matter.
CENTRIFUGAL DELEGATION = pushing duties and decisions out where practical in an organization
Organizations must have biases
1) Push decisions out if possible.
2) Grow
3) Invest
4) Record
5) Analyse
UM Cultivar and seed rewards
2/3 goes to the lucky and eagle-eyed farmer and 1/3 to his community
Police dispatch search monitoring
It listens for the following voice prompts
Dispatch-1: Dispatch watch video.
Dispatch-2: FWD video to backup.
Dispatch-3: Run name/ ID/ license plate from video.
New police codes
9-0 = troublesome suspect probably no gun
9-1 = troublesome suspect might be arm
9-2 = troublesome suspect probably armed
9-3 = suspect definitely armed
9-4 = suspect armed with gun out
9-5 = shots fired
9-7 = come gun in hand
9-8 = come with scoped rifle
9-9 = come with automatic rifle
9-10 = armed with militia weapons
9-11 = many casualties
9-12 = many armed suspects
Police non-lethal weapons on individuals
1) They are traffic yellow in color, so people are less likely to get confused about the weapon being fired.
2) They should use compressed gas and not explosives. Again, this is so nobody gets confused about the weapon being fired.
3) If an officer is shooting non-lethals and time permits, he must say “I am about to shoot you with my non-lethal weapon”.
Defenders should have bunkerette plates
These are just maybe 1/4” or 3/8” thick steel plates that have been tempered and drawn. They have a small firing holes. They enable a sniper to hold his somewhat exposed position. Due to their weight, these favor defenders over invaders. And part of civil defense is to put bolts into walls here and there so defenders can haul out their plates and in less than a minute, drop-eye bolt them to their armored and enclosed defense firing position. They should also be fully versed in where all the other nearby firing positions are, so they can modify their position depending on where the ad-hock bunkerettes are needed. Here I imagine a piece of steel maybe the size of a narrow short door, and braked into an arc.
The Spanish were weak in California
Look how they took all the graveyard places that the locals didn’t want. So it wan’t the Spanish claiming California for nothing, it was the Mideast. And 240 to 350 years later it became really worth something, and a big thing for Ishtar to sell.
75% of the cost
Apparently 75% of the cost of medical equipment development is for clearing US government approvals. Clearly this is excessive.
Ultrasound diagnostics
Why do the machines cost $100,000 to $200,000? This is the perfect example of tech that should be ubiquitized and the number of machines increased maybe 50-fold worldwide. It is a fast and non-invasive, harmless way to look at the condition of so many internal things. Even the people in central Africa should have these.
Why Israeli kids have to serve 2-years in the military
It is so you will leave and stay out and make more room for new chosen harem spawn.
You think that is air you are breathing?
You think those people actually are your parents.
Benevolent Roman slave owners
I bet it was a thing for rich Romans to show how benevolent they were in rescuing the nicer slaves from a short awful life in the mines. I bet they said something like: “Just pay me back your cost. Until then you can stay in my slave’s bunks and collect and allowance. What you do after you finish your work at 1:00 is up to you. Good luck. I hope you can redeem yourself quickly.”
Singapore hawkers 1:414
Singapore has about 14,000 hawker stalls for 5.8 million people. That is about 1 per 414 people. So each township of 20,000 might have 48 hawker stalls at this ratio. Singapore government stastics webpage here.
The MRT next to the hawker stalls
The air conditioned Singapore MRT metro system has sliding glass doors that open for its air conditioned trains. So the train noise is not loud. And if it is still too loud, then we can use triple glass. But lets put our hawker centers right next to the platforms, with islands for beverages and grab and go food, but right by the platform are hawkers. This is to encourage people to eat time-cheap batch food instead of time-expensive home food. Government will mandate that people have emergency famine food at home, while at the same time it will gently encourage people to eat out more often and be part of the community. Maybe there will be 5m of hall, 25m of hawker center, 5m of hall, 25m of hawker center, 5m of hall, etc. along the platforms.
The Senate can harm sin trades
None of the sin industries are very important to the economy and they are bad for people’s health. So if some part of the alcohol, sex, gambling, or mafia drug industry becomes a problem, the Senate can sort of do whatever it wants short of having a prohibition that encourages mafia profiteering. And certainly all the sin brands should be wiped any time a nation’s senate thinks it will reduce sin product consumption.
The future of commodities
Energy cheap
aluminum cheap
steel cheap
copper cheap
wood cheap
glass cheap
concrete cheap
What does it mean that you can’t figure out where to invest?
Might it mean that the proposed new system is rather optimized for destroying Ishtar and moving on to a world of more and better stuff for everyone?
The ridiculous fixation on memory in school
Look at how we grade our kids on how well they remember what they learned. We would do much better expose them to 4 times as much stuff and demanding less of their ability to remember what they learned.
SO•USE = being useful to society
THE SO•USE RACE = the race among both men and women to be useful to society so that they can get elected to the Senate.
Grand-parenting agreements
I think there are lots of people would would love to raise their grandkids, and at the same time, there are women would would not mind taking a year or two off to bear and wean their kids. We should let people have binding family agreements to this effect.
Why I am not invested
1) I don’t think it is right until the message comes out.
2) I have other more important things to do and I loose money if I don’t pay complete attention to my investments.
3) The money doesn’t really matter to me as much as my other work.
4) I think I may have a sliver amount invested, but it is not more than 20% of my portfolio.
Day halving doubles output
And how long does it take to clone one’s role while being on-call for phone inquiries.
No mortgage payments, no rent
Lots of people in the rich parts of the world are going to work a whole lot less.
A layman’s thoughts on Diabetes
1) I see mankind starting out as essentially fruit-eating chimps around 4-million years ago. Then the stick carriers went out onto the grasslands to drive lions off their kills, and then eventually to hunt. But for nearly all of the past 4-million years, our ancestors ate lots of meat and very little sugar.
2) Do carnivores get diabetes easily and from little sugar in their diets? All it takes is a couple thousand cats, and dogs and food of say a few different fructose sweetnesses for each group. What happens to their health? How many get diabetes? How many get fatty livers? Do they tend to get fatty livers first?
3) I would study comparative human/chimp insulin production and metabolism, and especially the genetics of this. I would not be surprised if there only some of the insulin/sugar metabolism genes have been turned back on after our time as pure carnivores.
4) We might eventually be able to do something like transplant or clone, or stem-cell the body into again sustaining its own insulin producing cells. But we may also never have a cure for diabetes, like with so many other advanced and already symptomatic diseases. For now the sensible and easy route is to prevent people from sugar bombing their system thought regulation of processed food and alcohol sweetness.
5) If I had to guess, I would say that fructose and alcohol binges are probably the main cause of the pancreas to wearing itself out. I bet your pancreas gets inflamed from binging and is unable to keep up. I imagine it like the lower digestive track when one has diarrhea, or the lower esophageal sphincter when one has GERD. Some part of an organ gets inflamed and then cannot keep up or recover.
6) Fructose may have a role in diabetes. It is easy to imagine that there is a time delay for the liver to start producing glucose from the fructose. So you eat until you are full and then some minutes later, the sugar hits your system through both your gut and your liver. Or maybe it is that people with livers takes half a day to metabolize the fructose in their diet and thus they always have elevated sugar in your blood. !!! But that would be too obvious, no? That would have been discovered already, right?
7) SUGAR INTASTE = you don’t really taste sugar any more because you eat so much of it. The public should be educated about sugar intaste. Also, the public needs to learn that it can easily cut sugar consumption, and after a couple weeks they will not know the difference.
8) Maybe some people are pre-coded so they can handle 10-tons of sugar in their lifetime, while others can only handle 1-ton before they lose insulin sensitivity.
9) Perhaps we want to do regular urine testing for changes in serum amylase (or lipase/proenzyme) levels. Then we can tell people that they need to cut back on sugar or there is a 50/50 chance they will develop diabetes.
10) There are not enough messages that explain how 10% of people develop diabetes, and the idea that it is the fructose and alcohol binges that cause this. Also, I might focus on high-school and college students with this message. Tell them over and over how those few alcohol binges are terrible for both their liver and their pancreas.
11) It seems a matter of public health to limit the fructose and other sugar percentages for prepared foods and candies. We might also limit the ability of minors to buy certain sweetened things.
12) We should not be mixing sugar with alcohol, or at least heavily sweetened alcohols should not be sold. This should probably include bar cocktails.
13) Maybe childhood diabetes and some other diseases tend to get triggered by taking acetaminophen and lots of fructose together.
14) The body compensates and loses sensitivity to lots of drugs both manmade and natural. When this happens to insulin, it is called insulin resistance or diabetes-2.
15) I think that ultimately we may ultimately have a gene therapy that will turn on our chimp abilities to metabolize sugar.
16) The ideal sweetened kids beverage for schools to my mind is 70% soy, 30% rice, it has per 33cl 8 grams of protein, maybe 2g of added glucose, and ORT levels of electrolyte salt and potassium, along with calcium and magnesium, iron, and other minerals.
17) And last but certainly not least, perhaps we should require that all fructose in packaged foods be neutralized by mixing it with glucose and making polysaccharide sucrose that can be digested by the gut instead of the liver. Maybe we should even do this with the naturally occurring fructose in pasta for example.
Alaska, north Canada and east Russia
These underpopulated areas should belong to the UM and might be used to house great numbers of people in energy efficient townships.
Glucose and GERD
Does eating glucose improve your GERD? If so, it may mean that your liver is not metabolizing fructose so well any more, and it remains in your gut to cause trouble. Eating glucose turns the fructose into a disaccharide, a double sugar called sucrose that is metabolized by the gut and not the liver.
Neutralizing harmful fructose
If you take a certain amount of glucose with fructose, even the fructose in bread and plain pasta. We even imagine a time where the FDA requires the glucose neutralization of fructose in all mass produced foodstuffs.
Protein helps GERD
I find completely unsweetened soy milk to be great for GERD.
You valve needs time to heal
If you burn the hell out of your esophagus valve with stomach acid, it may take 3 or 15 days to heal and grow leakproof again.
Undigested fructose in the bowels
I bet the fructose causes bacterial overgrowth that has an inflammatory aspect to it in the colon. I bet this causes lots of diarrheal illness in older people.
Incorruptible new drug testing
When government puts drugs through trials, it uses multiple outside services in a form of blind rotation to help assure lack of corruption.
Are 6-meter tracks enough?
Should we use 7-meter gauge tracks?
Pamela Anderson
I agree with her comment that it is ridiculous for actors who met alone with media producers in hotel rooms to claim victimhood due to mere sexual advances or a hard sell.
Urban farming
Is the energy loss from spreading out the buildings by 2 sq.ft. worth the benefit of not having to rail that zucchini in to the city? I see urban vs. distant farming thing as equal alternates and nothing to care about.
Mali Militants
I might give the defenders in neighboring zones somewhere around 300,000 single-shot sealed rifles that are designed to be totally and unavoidably corroded and unusable in two year. The rifles might be rather long for accuracy and be rather high-powered so they can be kill through walls and vehicle doors. I would also have a special stepped/notched chambers for a maybe 30-types of special bullets, of which there might only be 10 given per gun, and these are designed and dated to spoil in a few months. This is so bullets can’t be easily made and the defenders can be stopped if needed. I would also provide air support via bomb-here transmitters, and laser pointers. 20,000 used pickup trucks (some company’s old fleet) would help to move forces and would help with economic development and would only cost about $100-million FOB Bamako. Give them steel, plywood and plans to make flat beds for the trucks so they can move 20-men at once.
Canal charges
All canals are the property of the UM. The Suez canal should be expensive for commercial ships to use (20,000 barrels of oil), the Panama canal should be cheap (200 barrels of oil). This is to discourage shipping and encourage trains.
Bible-Genesis-My-Version .PDF Download
Relocating the PPC
I would wait for the cymology data to generate an earthquake history before we relocate t he Pacific Plate Cities PPCs. Maybe most of the buildings will withstand the quake. But if they won’t, there really is no reason to rebuild cities in this arid place. And I would certainly not put them in another place with excessive earthquake risk, or in a place with water problems. So due to the distances involved to good locations, these cities may wind up getting scattered, or partly relocated by employers.
Brownstone townships
What if New New York City was in 333 brownstone townships of 30,000 on 20 interchanges. Further out, on the township snowflakes, they just leave the woods between the units and the roads are narrow paths, bands of asphalt designed for single-wide silent compressed-air-powered micro-cars in two directions, or doublewide service vehicles in one direction.
Railroad Crossing
It needs to be realized that a township and railroad world is mostly without intercity roads. In this world, the auto-mobiles all mostly go on railcars between cities. So there are no rail crossings, except for pedestrians and wildlife under and the viaduct and through its arches.
What I meant by prohibiting natural stone
I meant that cosmetic skins of cut stone should not be used on the walls or floors of buildings except in the case of flamed granite in slippery places.
Flamed granite floors in wet transit areas
To my mind, annually or triennially flamed granite is the best surface for wet transit station surfaces. And perhaps, if we can eliminate graffiti and transit vandalism, we can have granite wainscots in the metro stations, but stone walls are normally really just public expensivism, and this normally exists either to hide stealing, or to further materialism. So I think we should use a paint that re-covers with minimal preparation and repaint the walls as needed. I would make the floors from ground concrete, or flamed granite and the walls painted. Thus It is super easy to eliminate anyone’s efforts to deface our metro stations and other high traffic urban areas.
The diseases that affect Europeans less
Europeans seem to have partial immunity to Diabetes, HIV, Glaucoma and other diseases. When I see this sort of situation, I interpret it as well attenuated pathogens being the source of each mysterious disease. I think that the Europeans, being more at the center of world trade developed greater immunity to the pathogens responsible for prior infections centuries ago. And yes, this partly contradicts what I say about Diabetes and Glaucoma.
Glaucoma ideas
1) Glaucoma is many times higher in non-Europeans and in particular Africans. Does glaucoma correlate to any infectious pathogen infections?
2) Does glaucoma correlate to straight on face knocks?
3) Does eye pressure correlate with CSF pressure? I might find some glaucoma patients with bad backs that are willing to irritate their backs a little bit. Check their eye pressure before they do this and again, 12-18 hours after, when their disc tissue gets inflamed. Does spinal inflammation increase eye pressure on the other side of the system? Maybe glaucoma comes from repeated episodes of minor disc inflammation in some people.
4) What regulates CSF pressure? It might be helpful to lower CSF pressure in stroke TBI, and perhaps even disc injuries.
We will rock you
The original instrument was a light weight short sword side-tapped twice on the face of the shield, and then once with force. And I bet there were a great many stanzas that could be swapped out. This is the music that kept the Roman soldiers all jacked-up for battle. This and maybe a 20% reduction in the opium content of their daily sacraments. So they were all on edge and in a really bad mood at once.
The Venezuelan flag
8-Stars in a crescent moon.
The royal guard barracks
In the age of cruise missiles, it is an important but untenable thing to keep the royal guard together and loyal and housed near the king. It may be a little unjust to kill all the kings guards by the hundreds and thousands in this way, but it is also necessary for controlling the dictators that ruin whole nations by using the military to intimidate and stay in office. So the attacks should come at dawn and be recorded on time-stamped HD video from multiple angles. This should play all over the internet as a warning to all the other would-be dictators and warlords around the world. Also the simultaneous one-button destruction of dozens of targets needs to be emphasized. And so does the policy of killing tyrants with a shrug.
Send in the USMC
“Here in Venezuela, we want the USMC to come and keep order and keep Putin and the Arabs from running our nation into the ground so they can’t sell their oil instead of ours.”
Another 30-70 thing?
To my point of view, society gets 70% of the value of its education system in the testing of the smart ones, and dumping of kids together, and only 30% from the content learned, the ostensible reason for the edu-sys.
Stop shoving their noses in it
There is such a difference between someone telling you: “look at this”, and you saying to yourself, “What’s that?” Give them a library on a VR network and let the kids find what they like.
Start them young
If early learning is so important, then why are we squandering the minds of our newborns. Show them videos, even if it is just music visuals, wireframes, ladies saying “hello baby”, and other kids being taught things by their mothers. Show them lots of stuff from life and let them hear lots of their language. And play the audio of their society even when they sleep. And stop the inane fairy tail garbage, have useful things. Show them the more interesting parts of the world. Show them tumbling, and parades, and dramatic places on earth, and POV drone races, and Italian hill-towns and people using all the tones of Euemi.
Everyone moved, nobody remains, no-more-Q
But the old struggle is re-purposed by 180° until then. And once everyone is moved, you are all obligated to be model citizens in your adopted nation. And all the world will own its home now, so people will not be working to repay mortgages or rent. So lots of people will not work as much. So there will be lots of jobs for people to come and work for them.
CHF backed by gold
Secret banking laws are one totally criminal thing Switzerland does. However, the other thing is the way that its money serves as a proxy for gold.
Why do nations allow loans in foreign currencies?
Are you stupid or corrupt or both? Any nation that allows for this is asking to be taken advantaged of.
No wiped shells in guns
It should be a felony to have fingerprint wiped shells in your gun.
Old & broken down taxis
The oldest vehicle in a shared vehicle fleet, or a fleet dispatched under the same name shall not be more than 11-years older than the newest.
Stop taxis from gobbling rider property
The seat bottom and the backrest should be joined by a strip of material so passenger items cannot disappear between them.
My marijuana detox
In the winter of 2017-2018 I had a 3 or 4 month detox. I thought I needed to relate to people better in my spreading efforts. I thought the drug was impairing my ability to look normal and engage with people. The main result was a lack of insights and beneficial weight loss from less munching.
LSD and spore spreading
If you are happy and social and at one with the world, you are more likely to eat with others and spread the rye mold. So the rye mold quickly evolved to help its symbiots to become more happy and attuned, and more likely to get into stores of rye grain. LSD, like MJ is an animal symbiot, not a die-here plant like Opium and Cocaine, with their dirty Ishtarian tricks for making death look like something nice.
Supervised LSD trips
If we are so concerned about people tripping-out on acid and doing crazy things, then we should offer supervised resorts for this. And maybe when you are taking new high doses, it is a condition of your license that you are supposed to do it under supervision.
How Jews customarily eat rye bread
Is it because rye sometimes was infected by ergot or St. Anthony’s Fire and caused people to most painfully lose toes and fingers and worse as a result. Thus rye bread was cheap, and the innies didn’t have to worry about eating it. And this was explained away by: “you should just eat rye bread because it is cheap and as long as you get it from one of us, you don’t have to worry about it. Nobody would ever sell tainted grain to you.
Also, on a tangent, I think it is real important for everyone to see the ways Ishtar helps its people to stick together, until central command decides that it is better off with that group dead.
Did the Pharaohs grow poppies 5,000-years ago?
If they did for great profit as this story implies, then we know that Ishtar has been eternally behind opiates. And we also know that Ishtar never was a thing for mankind, but a thing for the desperado clan pretending to be mankind.
(Read the first 80-words of this link)
TB and Junk
Keats’ “magical conspiracy between opium, tuberculosis and God” is easily grasped when we understand that opium was still rather expensive when it was legal. So there were these men going around and finding our rich and first-born (two groups there) and giving them TB by sending a gorgeous consumptive woman/man to them with instructions to seduce them and snog with them. And isn’t it strange how modern medicine doesn’t really know how TB spreads. The Arabs made a lot of money on opium when they spread TB. They also got rid of problematic infidels too. And they screwed up the human genome in yet another way as a result.
Marketing synergy
The people buying marijuana from dealers are often offered cocaine, ecstasy, opiates and other drugs. I know this because I have been offered these other drugs. And I am pretty sure that at least 2/3 of drug dealer interactions are people buying marijuana. So by separating marijuana sales from hard drug sales, we separate the 30% and 50% commission marketing of these addict dugs from the marijuana users.
Giant Japanese fruit Marijuana
The Japanese have these special gift fruits that are gigantic. The farmers prune away 1/2 or 2/3 or 5/6ths of the fruits on say an apple tree, so the plant puts all its efforts into one fruit. What happens when we do this with MJ plants?
The best time after fertilization
Fertilize marijuana plants and then track the active ingredients once per hour. When do the run and find out drugs cause maximum brain stimulation in humans seed spreaders?
The UM should get the proceeds from all international forums with expensive tickets. Davos has $27,000 conference tickets and badges cost between $60,000 and $600,000.
Air transportation is going to get slaughtered now
Every single aircraft order that can be abandoned will be abandoned.
Suburban real estate will plummet in price
It is all going Detroit. Most of the properties will all grow old and abandoned over the next couple decades. The townships will be just too inexpensive, convenient, nice and cheap to maintain that way.
The purpose of the 12 Jewish tribes
It is easier to hide among 2 tribes than 1, and 12 than 11. 12 tribes is so the sons of Aaron will find it easier to hide.
A religion without much sexual morality
My religion is not about sexual morality, it is about reproductive morality, and selecting the best man to have children with.
Muhammed Ali the boxer
He started out as a smart guy, then the repeated head impacts ruined him. His speech slowed by 26 percent between the ages of 26 and 39 and by age 36 was slurring his words according to Visar Berisha and Julie Liss. Why do we allow people to do this to each other as entertainment?
Left-right, left right
It isn’t a military chant, it is how mothers are supposed to nurse their babies, left breast first, right breast after. This way baby falls asleep on its lift side.
Ishtar and doctors
It lives in the space between what your doctor is supposed to do and what he thinks he should probably do.
Traces of the big 8 allergens
The big 8 allergens are: Milk, Eggs, Peanuts, Tree nuts, Soy, Wheat, Fish, and Shellfish. I don’t think that processed foods should be allowed to have traces of common allergens. I mean, it is ok if the facility also makes food with the allergens (so long as that is declared). What I am talking about are the cookies with the tiny bit of egg or butter. Or the fish-sticks that have a touch of milk in the batter. Processed foods should not be allowed to have tiny and insignificant amounts of common allergens in their ingredients. Bakeries can make peanut cookies, but they can’t mix a tiny bit of peanuts into their cookies in a way that people will not know.
Peanuts in airplanes
What an absurdity this is. Surely this looks like Ishtar at work, spreading the world’s #3 allergen in the most enclosed public space most people ever enter. I wonder how many people get ill as a result of this.
Lazyness, the primordial sin
Just as freedom of speech and the right to bear arms are the freedoms from which all other freedoms stem from, lazyness is the sin from which all other sins stem from. And by laziness I mean the unwillingness to do the right thing because it is somehow difficult, either physically, emotionally, morally. So many of us fail to do the right thing for whatever reason. And to my mind, this is the primordial sin. Look how stupid we all are in that we so often know the right path but we don’t take it because it is too hard.
More about diabetes
Maybe the insulin producing cells really tend to die much quicker if they are never allowed to rest and constantly bombarded with sugar, especially the glucose from the fructose that digests when you sleep.
That’s worth knowing
Maybe what is notable should be determined by the Senate. So stupid stunters like Evil Kin•evil and don’t crash the party and joint the world’s attention streams.
Hypersonic air travel
This is 50-year old technology. The Concorde was launched 42-years ago, and the first time one of these planes crashed after, the entire fleet and all hypersonic airlines were scrapped. Me thinks that a 2,000-4,000kph travel is probably the way to go and that it will use not much more fuel than flying at lower altitudes and speeds.
Prohibited thread gauges
I have seen way too many screws that have been threaded unnecessarily finely and weakly. This should not be allowed. I also think that all screws should bear the loads reasonably expected of them.
More angry than some
If I didn’t get riled up, you wouldn’t have my message.
The granite obelisks of Egypt
How on earth did they make these with bronze tools? Given the wildly precocious fuse-hole-ages hinted at in the bible, I go with precocious steel tools in.
Ishtar and the long term
You are a thing that benefits nobody over the long term, yet you exist. How stupid we are.
The FDA and the Healthcare sluice
I see the FDA as this advisory thing for the healthcare sluice. I see Senate as mostly granting approvals according to the FDAs recommendations. But I think that the Senate will rapidly approve many things because of the public benefit, or the unlikelihood of causing harm.
The greatest idiocy of Roman roads
It is that the stupid wooden carts would have worked better on wide-track dirt roads, except perhaps over the streams. The Romans would have been much better off if they did nothing instead of building those stupid roads that people just buried in dirt anyway, once Rome fell. And because of the narrow (but paved!) roads, there was traffic and it took forever to get goods to Rome. Thus Rome was dependent on the imported goods the Mideast trade mafia controlled.
Thailand at 1,100m
When you move to the hills, at this elevation, it will be 7°C cooler.
Parasitic feeding on a napkin
1) Government spending in the US is over 1/3 of the economy. And almost 2/3 of that goes to Ishtar. So a number approaching 2/9ths of our spending will be saved by effective democratic government.
2) A number approaching 1/3 of household spending is spent on real estate mortgages and 2/3 of that is due to the bubble and parasitic feeding on mortgage payments. So around 2/3 of 1/3 (2/9ths) of our spending will be saved by taxing property instead of income.
3 We squander huge sums on roads, vehicles, fuel, garages, driveways, overpasses, etc. call it 1/9th of GDP.
4) We squander huge sums on a grossly inefficient healthcare system (5%), legal system (1%) air transport system (1%). About 1% of Americans are locked up due to drug offenses. Instead of making 1% these cost 1%, thus 2% is wasted. Call this all together 1/9th of GDP.
5) All together, 6/9ths or 2/3 of our spending is waste.
6) How much does Ishtar take home? It isn’t taking home 2/3 of the world economy is it? I bet it is taking home around 1/8th on the face and 1/10th or 1/12th in truth. I bet Ishtar is 90% wasteful.
The World Trade Center pyramid
In the way that the Chinese flag has a crescn’t moon hidden in it, the new World Trade Center has a pyramid hidden it it.
R’21.18 altered as follows:
Police nationwide shall wear one of 12 standardized uniforms that all look roughly alike except for the emblems and badges. Unless a person is wearing one of these uniforms, or accompanied by someone wearing one of these uniforms, they shall not have the power of a police officer with respect to arrests or ordering the people to do things. Also, unless the suspect went searching for a police officer while he was off duty, crimes committed against on-duty police that are out of uniform, shall be treated by the law as if they were committed against a normal citizen. This includes the crime of resisting arrest.
Ron Aronson – Dialectics of disaster PDF
Who is responsible for the holocaust?
1) If you were 30 in 1945, you would be 103 today. Everyone is dead.
2) They were working for Ishtar, the the true cause of the holocaust.
3) The Semites killed their own, their disloyal progeny.
4) In many ways Semitism afflicts itself more than its host.
5) From now on, the holocaust hangs on Ishtar’s neck.
What is a holocaust?
It is part of the animal barbecue sacrifices mentioned hundreds of times in the bible. It is the remainder that is not eaten in the first two days and is incinerated. That is the true meaning of the word. It is the remains that gets burnt.
What if your grandkids don’t get it?
What if they are not loyal to Ishtar? Do you want them participating in this periodic holocaust/ pogrom thing? Maybe it is in everyone’s interest to just stop with all the religious stupidity.
Homer, Iliad Bk.4
[The goddess] “Strife [otherwise known as Ishtar, and Gr. Eris] has a relentless wrath, she is the sister or companion of murderous Ares [god of war]. She is only a little thing at first, but then grows until she stands astride the entire earth with her head touching the heavens. She’s the one who casts bitterness between the sides when she walks through a battle making men’s pains heavier.”
Hesiod, Theogony 226-232
“And hateful Eris [Ishtar] bore painful Ponos [Hardship], Lethe [Societal forgetfulness] and Limos [Starvation] and the tearful Algea [Pains], Hysminai [Battles], Makhai [Wars], Phonoi [Murders], and Androktasiai [Manslaughters], Neikea [Quarrels], Pseudo-Logoi [Lying Stories], Amphillogiai [Disputes], Dysnomia [Anarchy] and Ate [Ruin], near one another, and Horkos [Lying under Oath. Also perhaps Phoenician comes from pon•nician= hardship’s victory.]
School books
Why do we make students buy expensive textbooks and then carry them around when they could have the entire library via their tablets? Why do we make they buy printed textbooks? Why doesn’t the government create a great school library? What a stupid matrix we live in.
The power of ten and scale
It is by far the most important idea in all things related to quantity. And for society, its understanding is perhaps more important than even mathematics. For how can we properly scale our group efforts? • • • So to me, it is just absurd that we teach all this junk about algebra and statistical confidence, and imaginary numbers, but we don’t teach our new citizens any sense of numerical scale.
Gravity and heat
Does the sun’s distance to temperature curve match its distance to gravity curve? Are these different things, or are they different manifestations of the same thing?
How dense is the asteroid belt?
I would like to see a scale model or illustration of the density, or lack thereof.
The universe is cooling
Early on, the stars not only burned hotter, but everything was close together.
How much should it cost?
Don’t our government always seem to overpay for things? Why don’t we teach our kids something about how to break down and analyze the cost of giant undertakings. And why don’t we teach them to answer questions like: “is a tilt-up concrete wall on the southern border worth $20/ per capita?” We owe it to our democracy to teach our children about this skill over and over again.
Razor ribbon on a border wall is ineffective
They can just cut segments out with bolt cutters on pipe extensions. And it is not very obvious.
Plasma cutters and a steel border wall
The L metal segments in the border wall will only takes a few minutes to cut with a $300 plasma cutter. And there really isn’t much noise. And the light can be screened a piece of cardboard. I think someone should simulate this on Youtube. Before cutting, weld two rod hinges to the 2 L-metal segments being cut. This way when they are cut, the location will be easy to close up and use again. • • • We definitely want concrete tilt up panels. And vision holes can be used to climb the wall, so it is probably blank walls with armored video cameras on top.
Centi-Nomes manage natural disasters
When there is a natural disaster, the response is managed by the affected Centi-Nomes, unless the disaster is too great to convene, in which case the unaffected neighboring Centi-Nomes should use/send 1/3 of their Sub-Senators on organizing the response.
Student tutor tests by government
It is much cheaper to pay student tutors with perks and status than teachers with money. So maybe the preferred student housing goes half to the most progressive students and half to the most tutoring students. Or maybe it is 1/3 for them. And to make a real economy here, the tutored kids each get say two hours a week of tutoring for free from government, and the rest they have to pay half the average wage for. The tutors also take tutor tests where they have to pass a test of the material with a score over say 97%. There are monitored tutor booths in the library and the tutors wait in a lounge for “customers” who insert their ids as time cards.
International gambling
There is no need for people to go to other nations to gamble. This should be prohibited by international agreement. If the nation allows gambling, then it must check for citizenship, and it can allow no foreigners.
The party spots
Outside each township there should be a few spots for people of varying ages to barbecue, to drink and be outside and make noise.
Vehicle ranges
I bet that in 20 years all the gasoline powered vehicles will have say 50% more range than today. But I bet few EVs will have a range of over say 21 miles. And these EVs will be super light, like 400KG. This is maybe 25% the weight and 40% the range of a Chevvy volt. So they will be quite inexpensive, whether they shared, pooled, or individually owned. Also, I think there should easily be enough energy in say a 1.2 meter diameter compressed air sphere to run this car for 21 miles. Given how quickly this tank could be refilled by a municipal compressed air system of distributed storage tanks, compressed air seems cheaper than electric.
It should be job before immigration
What a stupid way to do immigration that we allow people to come into our nations without having a job, or training.
A uniform utility code
The world should use a uniform utility code and identical utility systems. There are specialties for linemen, for station assembly, for drain culverts, etc. Also, this standardization makes it is much easier for us to keep our utility construction and maintenance costs in check.
What insanely expensive looks like
Once upon a time, I had this double lot property with a panoramic view of the ocean and downtown La Jolla, but it had this power pole and power lines right in the middle of the view. In fact, due to the droop of the wires, the line ran from just above the water horizon to just below the land horizon. So I started the process by which the utility company (a “regulated” monopoly) would underground those wires. Basically I asked them how much they wanted for underground and then told me how much I would have to pay. It came to around $250,000 as I recall. In around 2005/6 I sold the property, and the buyer completed the under-grounding. He told me how the utility ultimately cost over $300,000. • • • Now this work involved four things: 1) digging maybe 300’ of trench in the street for the power line conduit to go between the poles. 2) Running three conduits down one pole from the overhead wires, through the trench and up the other pole to the overhead wires. 3) Running 8 small conduits from the main underground line to the 9 houses served. 4) Pulling the appropriate wires though those conduits. • • • Now more than half of the lateral conduit work was on private property, so that was up to my side to arrange independent of the utility company. I priced the work at $12,000. And the work in the street was shorter and easier, so it should not have cost even $12,000. So if we back that out, we have items 1, 2 and 4 costing $285,000. And running the conduit and pulling and connecting the wires should take a 2-man crew maybe maybe two days to do, considering the line connections. At it might be $1,000 for materials. So here we are with some work from a regulated public monopoly costing about 20x what it should cost. • • • How much of our economy is burdened in this way? Certainly our utilities are. And it seems that our government and some of our corporations are too.
Loss leaders
They are normally thought of a products sold below cost to get customers in the door. A more useful meaning is that of service offered first below cost to drive a long term clientele that can be overcharged.
Industry consolidation is a problem not a solution
Don’t fool yourselves, industry consolidation anywhere near even broad oligopoly offers limited short-term loss-leader benefits. On the other hand, the eventual bottlenecking for profit is a forever cost. For maybe 3-years, you are going to save maybe 15%, but in two of those years, the costs will be greater. And then in Y-4 there is no cost or benefit, and then in Y-5, it costs 10% more then in Y-6 it costs 20% more, on average, and this lasts more or less forever. So industry consolidation is in general a problem, not a solution.
All monopoly profits eventually turn to waste
Monopolies start out very profitable, but they quickly “silt-up” with waste and slackers that hardly ever pull on the rope. So the problem with the Ishtarian feeding monopolies is that they might be really profitable for a decade, but by the second decade, they are back to normal.
Waste has a nose for Ishtar’s lunch
Also, I wonder how many years of clean profit Ishtar gets before the waste leaches in and eats your lunch.
Art restoration
If it involves the use of paint or colors, it isn’t restoration, it is reconstruction.
No pets places
If a building does not allow pets, that matter is enforced through government which may bring charges based on photo or video evidence.
Insulation optimality
The real question is this: At what thickness does the energy saved by using thick insulation match the energy expended by reduced urban density. I bet for snowy places its around 16” (40-cm) thick styrofoam wall panels that are over 99% insulating.
It takes a village to raise a kid
This is a blid. The real saying is: “If you have a village, it is easy to raise kids. If you have a real community that everyone can trust, then it is easy to raise kids, even if you are a single mother.”
The cost of kids
They share clothes, toys, and media. It is communism for our kids. And if they want any possessions other than these shared things, they are supposed to buy them with money they make themselves. And parents and relatives are not supposed to give kids physical things as gifts. Free media library links and their time are fine. They can take trips together too. And government provides food-only restricted credits, and extra-kid’s-bedroom restricted credits, and kid’s healthcare. And education is free, and so is after hours school monitoring.
The new economy
Everyone wanted to get into the new economy in the late-1990s. That was the way to riches. The “brick and mortar” companies languished. I think that is going to happen again now, only without the destructive bubble pop at the end.
Stop wearing tuxedos
Stop wearing clothing that must be ironed and dry cleaned. Remember that the devil wants its trusted holy men to wear its uniforms, not the good god.
1) Real prophets don’t need priests getting in the way of what they said.
2) The cause of goodness doesn’t need money, or recitals, or prayers.
The most important police force
To me the first and most important police force is the one that gets rid of the insect breeding conditions in the community. Believe me, ten times as many people are killed or inconvenienced by insects than criminals. This is your first priority and you all have to obey them. And you all have to keep your screens patched and dipped and your homes sealed against mosquitoes. And if you carry malaria you may have to drink chrysanthemum tea if that makes a difference.
All school admission by number
There should be no names or photographs or locations, only the Senate’s annual range tests.
The voice of Ishtar
Look at Ishtar’s peanut circus centered around Kum•allah Arris, Cori Bro•core, Al-cortez, and Tulsi Gass•ard,
Gaffs, tech and democracy
If any gaff or infraction leaves our leaders open to veto by the press, we can just say goodby to our democracy.
Javad Zarif’s remarks
The response is: “Iran recently accused the US of backing ‘dictators, butchers and extremists’ to quote their words. Isn’t Iran a dictatorship run buy extremists that has butchered tens of thousands of its own CHILDREN in futile charges of machine guns emplacements and detonating mines with their bodies? Is your regime just absolutely and completely deluded? Do you even have one foot in reality? And how can we allow such crazies to develop nuclear missiles?”
The Tehran skyline
Is it in America’s geo-political interests to take down the skyline of Tehran? How does this lean all the many condo dwellers of North Korea and China? And what does this do to the old urban centers in America? Does this help drive township living? And it doesn’t need to be done, or even said, or leaked, maybe rumored is enough.
Who is with Lucky-7?
Is the US military with Lucky-7?
Know your stars
5-points = when Jews cheat the Jews, i.e. working for the devil.
6-points = when the Jews as a group take from the 8 point agenda of the Arabs.
7-points = something benefitting both the 6-pointers and the 8-pointers.
8-points = the agenda of the Arabs.
9-points = the agenda of the Arabs really likes what you did and you get something special.
10 and up points = also the agenda of the Arabs but with the benefits more wide spread, until you reach a 64-point star which is every man, and then the 128-point star which is every man and women, or absolutely everyone in the Mideast.
Another matrix flaw
The entire idea of underground nuclear facilities (and post holocene bunkers) is absurd. All anyone has to do is use a dirty-bomb on the area, say with cesium powder. How do they go in and out after this? In suits once a month? How do they deal with supplies and waste? Do they clean the area, only to get nailed again? • • • Cesium 134 has a half-life of 2 years, so pound per pound it is about 12,000 times more radioactive than plutonium, but after 20 years, the radioactivity is 99.9% broken down, and after 40 years, it is 99.9999% broken down, and having less than 1 part in 1-million of its original radioactivity. A risk significantly lower than background radiation risk. Calcium 45 has a half life of 162 days, so it is 99.9% broken down after 5 years. The calcium bomb is perhaps better because it can always be followed up with more bombings.
The delivery system is hand grenade sized bomblets that loosely follow a GPS grid and detonate at say 40’ up. Now you can all chastise me for doing this to the environment, but it is short lived, and it is to prevent a nuclear war, so it is justified. And I see nothing wrong with using dirty bombs on the nuclear installations of rogue nations and their human shields.
Laser guided man-held missiles
The missiles must acquire the laser before firing. But how hard can guidance fins be? This is another mostly defensive weapon, to have laser guided RPGs, and laser guided anti-tank missiles, and laser guided light armor missiles. If you want a strong national defense, get one of these launchers per 1,000 people.
Venezuela capital reapportionment
It seems inevitable that Venezuela will default on its Russian and Arab debt especially in consideration of its recent problems. Maybe it will default on all debt, maybe this already happened considering the hyper inflation that has hit the nation. Maybe everyone gets their place of residence loan free and the world sees how great this works out.
Get our leaders off the Pacific plate
All research and tech must relocate off the Pacific and out of tsunami zones as soon as possible.
BMI and transit
In each nation of Europe, can we see what the BMI is for the average metro user vs. the average car owner of the same age? Let’s also include pedestrian commute distance and make a curve for average BMI based on distance to the transit stop.
Tax logging and tree trimming by 200%
Logging and tree trimming is a terribly dangerous thus costly occupation. So it should be heavily taxed to recover these costs. And what vanity, what waste is it to have one’s private manicured trees in one’s private manicured yard? We would all be so much better if we shared our yards. So if you have a yard and you want to take care of it, if you want to trim it yourself, then you pay nothing for this tax. This is only for people who hire others to take care of their yard. Due to the luxury and the hazard of the occupation, government is calling it a luxury and taxing it accordingly.
Logging octopus
It is one of these things with say 4 or 6 cutting arms that pretty much work robotically recognizing the trees around them and then turning them into logs. The operator just creeps the rig around. This is how we will interface with the pulp supply which will mostly be used for packaging, furniture, doors and moldings.
No silver
Silver can’t be used as a fungeable either.
Demons = dream•mns
Foot on the brake, slowing the creep of the car
Imagine what the economy is going to do when we actually tap the accelerator. And now that we can flate debt, and have some real brakes, brakes powerful enough to stop, we can try actually going some place.
At the start of planting season
It is probably better if it starts around the start of planting season for most of the world.
Township connections
All townships of over 200 units shall have the right to run their rail lines over all non-urban lands for the payment of the prevailing land price per meter for the train lines.
My work should also be available as free e-books in all the common formats including PDF and .JPG photo images.
The paradox of tile floors
The paradox is that if the floors are well insulated below and along-side, then they can be heated, and then the wood or carpet takes away from the warmth of the room. And where it tends to be too warm, people like tiles because they grab the night cool much better than a covered floor. So the way I look at the world, all floors should be tile, terrazzo, or ground concrete.
Is it Mossad or Muthad?
Mossad is the Israeli CIA. But in Arabic Muthad means tall and rickety, or wobbly. Mouth•ad, towards the mouth that feeds the Mideast.
You have to be more gentile than your hosts
They set Exhod limits with regard to pushiness.
The great cement and rebar sale
By my reckoning, cement and rebar are going to soon be about 4 to 8 times cheaper for the poorer people of the world. And also by my reckoning, house casting will take off first in the poorer countries because these will use crews of men to actuate and wheel the forms around and latch or snap them in place and then remove them.
Rail townships are just so much cheaper
One 20km line of double train line per township and we can eliminate our oversized vehicle roads and our automobiles if we want to, all of them.
No dress code, but uniforms
There are no dress codes for work, but employers can make their employees wear uniforms and certain articles of clothing such as vests and jackets. However all required clothing shall be supplied by the employer.
Attacking Omaha beach with drones
It is a worthwhile thought experiment. What would the D-day attack have been like with a million $300 12-lb hand grenade drones? But maybe they come in 3 configurations, 4-3lb dropping grenades, 1-12-lb super grenade. and a 12lb rpg for bunker slits. And maybe the grenades are all sandwiched and explode laterally at a target height. Maybe they come in a massive wave in front of the soldiers. How do we defend against this without using nukes? Drones=chemical weapons=biological weapons.
Shoeboxes right-side-up
They should go right side up with the floor and all the furniture and wall finishings and wall art coming from the factory. And they are shiped with 3/4” pipe-steel truss shipping roofs, 2-in-12 sloping roofs wrapped in taught and stiff plastic. These have radio grapplers to engage when put in position and disengage when the cover is removed.
The haunted house blid
The haunted house in America, it is not a real house, it is Ishtar’s house in America.
All the creepy Halloween stuff is Ishtar
Spirits, ghosts, goblins, zombies, werewolves, devils, they are all aspects of Ishtar.
Unicorns as a blid
They are not white and benevolent, peaceful horses. No, unicorns are the opposite. They are jet black, and malevolent and violent. Look at Auschwitz. The devil does not have two horns, two points. He has one point, helping the harems, the harm’ems. The devil is a unicorn and the unicorn is the devil.
Some city’s move to improve traffic
What if a city offered to cover the cost of the ride sharing app fee ($3) for each ride that is actually shared or car-pooled in a trial move and they are thinking of offering their own application with its first priority that of increasing ride pooling and reducing congestion.
Criminal court and money court
Isn’t it strange how civil court sounds like it could be criminal court? Do you think the term might be a blid? I think we should divide our legal system into two heads known by these crystal clear names.
Corporate small business is a bad idea
We want to encourage people to use their own name in business. And we want them on the hook to a stated amount if their business fails. And we want them to post their liabilities and jobs on their government website so people can see.
Make the law system inclusive
Irreliablity is such a huge cost to the economy. I bet we could easily goose GDP by 2 or 3% if we just make our money court system work like going to the school recess monitor for adjudication.
Blue, purple and scarlet
In the book of Exodus we read about these three colors. Cloth was first died with indigo, then scarlet to make the expensive purple cloth that was the Luxurious Vinyl or LV of the age.
Indigo blues dressed with cinnabar
Ancient Phoenician purple was made from fabric (silk mostly) that was first dyed with indigo and then with a red pigment. Now there were two pigments, one was vegetarian and one was highly toxic mercury sulfide, a substance so toxic that it would slowly kill people who wore clothing soaked in it as a dye. Anyway, both pigments quickly faded, and then needed to be regularly re-tinted, or re-dressed. The vegetable dye was probably hugely expensive and the mercury sulfide dye (cinnabar/ vermillion) was cheap. And people knew that the cheap dye was killing them, but they were poor and vain and wanted to look respectable. So they kept buying the cigarettes that were killing them. The bros of course all got comped with free vegetable dying. Funny coincidence that is that DYING cloth should be the same word as DYING from mercury poisoning.
Born homos?
This assertion is disproved by how gay men tend to be better looking by birth. Clearly the better looking ones are getting picked by males who are hungrier for sex than females. They can go either way, but they get first-experienced by a male and then go that way. Perhaps people should say that whatever the sexual orientation you think you are, your first experience should be with someone of the opposite sex, and that you are just making yourself gay and miserable to have your first sex with someone of the same sex. Maybe also, younger women should consider it their duty to their society to sweeten boys on women, to straighten them out, and keep them from going homo.
Religion name: “Convergence”
It is a world of people all hoping to eventually converge and live peacefully as one.
Koran, start
“This book is… a guide for the righteous, who believe in the unseen… who give back to the cause from what we gave them, who…have absolute faith in the life to come [for their children]. These are rightly guided by their Lord, and these [lines] shall surely triumph.”
Koran 2:28
“How can you deny God? Didn’t He give you life when you were dead? And won’t He cause you to die and then restore you to life again?” [A religion of reincarnation in the form of one’s children and family.]
Pyramid schemes are a form of bubble
Hence it is government’s job to step in as soon as a bubble or pyramid has been declared.
Other units of time
CENETH = 1/100th of a year 3.65-days, 87.6-hours. With ceneths, 100 people can share a teneth’s 24/7 duty by each serving one 9-hour shift per teneth.
MILETH = 1/1,000th of a year 0.365 days, 8.76 hours. With mileths, 1,000 people can share a year’s 24/7 duty by each serving one 9-hour shift per year.
Index everyone genetically
All mankind must be genetically indexed. And everyone must be in the index. This is so women don’t cheat and have more children than allowed.
Welfare and digital cash
One of the advantages of eliminating cash is that we can force people who are getting government food to live an economically restricted life. We can say no money for bars, or alcohol, or restaurant or hotel visits. And maybe we say that they can only buy used clothing that people have sold back to government by the kilo. And maybe they have to watch an hour of social worker media each day under eye-tracking. And maybe people can’t watch ordinary media, or participate in social media excessively if they are on welfare.
We can limit what they can buy for food. Again, ingredient stamps. Perhaps they can only buy whole chickens, grains, common vegetables, milk, and that sort of thing. Perhaps we will establish a menu for them based on the ingredients they can buy as a sort of humiliation and community building.
How to get people to grasp alcohol’s harm
1) Figure out how much each drink portion costs society for healthcare, brain impairment and reduced quality of life.
2) Add a matching tax to each drink portion so people will feel the true cost of each drink.
3) Say over and over about the harm being why alcohol is so expensive.
4) Consider it a rotten thing to cheat society on its fair payback for your alcohol use.
5) Consider it a good thing to report any moonshiners.
6) This is a good model for cigarettes and opiates coke, and sugar.
Sugar tax
Hershey’s pays by the candy bar for its sugar tax. When the girl-scouts bake their cookies, they buy sugar which is expensive due to taxes.
In a world where sugar is expensive, less-sweet baked things will be much more common.
Girl-scout cookies
The girls should be learning something about business by buying ingredients, baking and selling homemade stuff for profit. Instead they are little solicitors trying to sell their boxes. What an evil and insidious thing this has been changed into. And why do the girl scouts even need commerce? Shouldn’t donations and volunteering by older girls be enough? Maybe the whole point is to get all the little girls learning how easy it is to sell a box.
Kids organizations
I wonder what other things the girl-scouts and boy-scouts, and religious youth ministries… and public schools, and games, and kid’s media do to screw up kids.
American chocolate
It is made disgusting you know as part of the matrix supporting expensive Euro chocolate.
Exhods in a police state
To a certain extent, that is how you will live. This may be for a decade or four, I might expect. This is so everyone can be assured that you guys are all trouble free. And all the exhods will welcome this, because they know how important it is that the bad apples get tossed out. so there will be more room for good apples.
E•cash only
Yet another reason to get rid of cash is to keep the Middle east from getting any extra money.
The expensive under-grounding of utilities
I don’t think this sort of public rip-off will exist under the new democracy. I don’t think it will exist with our utilities or our governments.
How many billionaires did it twice?
Howard Huges and Elon are ornaments and don’t count. Steve Jobs is the only person I can think of that had more than one multi-billion dollar idea (the PC and the tablet). And notably he used his position but not his wealth to achieve the 2nd multi-billion dollar home run.
Ideal company size
Competition and nimbleness vs. economies of scale
To me, this graph should be studied in first semester micro-economics. How does market competitiveness increase as the number of players increases? What point must we be over? And at what point does having more players stop significantly improving competitiveness? And maybe the different parts of the nation should have different scaling rules so we can see where end user costs are lower.
A census with the vote
What if every year, everyone wherever they are had to be counted, and that it was a serious crime to live outside the system. In the nations getting UM food and development aid, this must be required due to the aided nature of the economy and the benefactor’s genuine and reasonable need to manage population. The only question is whether we in the free world want this, due to how Orwellian it is.
What is it that Big Brother seeks to suppress
It is the truth, isn’t it? It is shh•te•our seeking to hide the truth about Arab parasitism.
Maxing out
This is when someone makes all the money a person is allowed to make.
Mankind with down-syndrome
First let me repeat that the chromosomal disease is a blid for the real idiocracy problem afflicting our species. But it is not across the board, and we are probably getting smarter in ways while we are at the same time getting dumber over-all. But we have down syndrome, and it affects mostly our ability to see mankind’s big picture and imagine improvements for everyone.
I dare you all
I dare you all to have this worldwide drive to improve mankind.
I curse you with idleness
This is to stop war, pro•verti, tsunami deaths, the ice age disaster, and last but certainly not least idiocracy. Idleness is nothing in comparison with these awful things, but it still should be feared. Now man will have to evolve the ability to strive without adversity. • • • At some point we began storing food and became rather independent of the environment. Soon there will be a great leap in mans independence from his economy.
More decision makers, not smarter ones
It is more important that there be this giant group of people all poking around for the new ideas of the smart people in their part of the country. Having a few really smart people running things for our whole giant nation is just not a practical approach. That is the problem with monarchy and corporate oligarchy.
What am I supposed to do, strike a gong?
If anything is going to get celebrated, I think it should be the day you muster your democracy, the day your Senate first convenes to do business. And to my mind, the people celebrate while the Senators work on this day.
Academic honesty
1) I think it is dishonest for schools and especially teachers to self-regulate and test students and grade their performance.
2) I think telling people to go home and write a paper is asking for them to hire a ghost writer. Why does this practice even exist?
3) School is pre-world, and it isn’t real.
4) I think that a small amount of accidental plagiarism in a paper doesn’t matter, and it is close enough for the play-school world.
5) Plagiarism is a blid for a smart person who is coming ashore on the beach of the island of the brothers.
6) A large number of professors are init.
7) Our society would be much better off if sucking-up was not such a big part of school and especially graduate school.
8) If we take the testing role away from teachers, the sucking up goes away.
It’s easy for other people’s ideas and words to sneak into our mind and notes. I was in my mid-40s before I had any intention of writing anything. But I kept notes of ideas, poor notes, and often I didn’t bother to write down who said what. So forgive me. There are probably big parts of my work that were accidentally copied from others. Tell me about them and I will give credit. Sorry, but my work was not exactly the sort of thing one runs through a plagiarism checker. And then it was too late to change.
Free and fair elections in Venezuela
The media should be making more of how Venezuela is stuck waiting for Maduro and his sponsors to allow the elections that will send them packing.
••Important•• Leader accusations and Ishtar
Once we admit the possibility of Ishtar’s existence, all accusations against our leaders (the men apart from their proposals) must be regarded as probably lies and utterly disregarded by standard practice. For if these accusations aren’t already Ishtar’s doing, they soon will be.
This is when people are directed to leave the stage. In a democracy the word indicates how Ishtar directs our true leaders off the political stage. For example, Al Franken was exeunted from politics.
The new McCarthys
Look at Ishtar’s peanut circus centered around Kum•allah Arris, Cori Bro•core, Al-cortez, and Tulsi Gass•ard. Look at how the press jumps on their words. If anyone should resign, it is these moles and their “compas” in the media.
Technology has changed politics dangerously
There is too much video, and too many photos today, and so many people have foolish or embarrassing records. If your democracy gives in to this, you are handing it to Ishtar, because it will look and look and look until it finds something on its enemies. And it will thus drive all the good people out while protecting its own.
The real original sin
It is grabbing up the nether-lands of Noah or NOAA and selling this to the people you breed in the harems.
Reef disjunctures?
There should be disjuncture bands in reefs from tsunamis. The damage shadows give more information.
University townships
We are going to have these standard university townships with dorms, units, classrooms, meeting areas and shops. Then we are going to hire teachers.
A school efficiency rule
1) It is amazing the amount of money schools spend on things other than teacher salaries.
2) It is amazing how much some professors make for such a small amount of work.
3) If the government is testing the grads, and all the entry requirements are totally mechanical and fair, why do you need more than a few school admins?
4) I would at least say that half of the tuition money must go to teacher salaries, or they can’t be a non-profit school. Then I might say that all schools must do this, then I would start trying to make it more of a 60/40 thing, or a 70/30 thing.
The mistakes of eastern Europe
Don’t make the same mistakes as some parts of Eastern Europe. Get rid of the old junk administrations ASAP. Privatize everything and just turn the people loose.
SYSOP = system operated, as in sysop vehicles
All search engines should have the following buttons
People only
Non-commercial only
Commercial only
Academic only
Senate only, etc.
Tax building renovation services
Renovating old and obsolete properties is one of the most wasteful uses of labor, and it should be taxed so as to discourage it. If people want to fix up their own place, let them, but the business of doing this should be taxed, so there are more workers for mass production.
Do balls make kids stupid?
It would be interesting to see some studies where they track how much time a kid plays with a ball growing up and relate it to his intellect at say 15. I bet balls and video games and fashion and lots of other things really rot a kid’s brain.A
Parallel universes
They are an interesting idea, but I don’t see any reason to think that they are real.
I don’t believe in spoon bending or telepathy. But it is obviously possible to sense group spirits, like after Pearl Harbor and September-11. And it is sometimes possible to sense crooks, and bad people. You can also know what people are thinking when they only use a few words. But it is all based on people thinking alike, or discordantly.
How to halt HIV transmission
I would have each county test people once per year or 6-months for every common disease and give them a certificate. Then they can only have sex with others that have a valid county certificate from some county. If they have sex with someone outside the system, they have to get tested again before having sex with anyone inside the system, or it is a felony. Transmission of any form of VD shall be seen as prima fascia evidence of this felony. This incidentally doesn’t just stop HIV, it stops all venereal diseases. Also there is no liability for system failures as the system will surely fail due to cheating. However, it should almost entirely stop all new infections of diseases screened for.
Paradise and freedom
What a wonderful paradise of freedom it will be with safe and effective birth control and without VD. So you are all now more free to have sex. Just try to have children with the best sire you can.
The human breeding reality has changed
No longer does sex mean babies. No longer is disease a threat. No longer do women need men to support them. Now they may chose the best sire for their children and for the future of mankind.
$98-billion for 520 miles of track
The new California train is expected to cost $188-million/mile. You know, 6-lane rural interstate runs about $9-million/mile, and a line of trestles and rails is cheaper than 3-lanes of roadway.
Ten Years after (band)
I’d love to change the world (song)
Everywhere is freaks and hairys
Dykes and fairies,
Tell me where is sanity
Tax the rich, feed the poor
Til there are no rich no more?
I’d love to change the world
But I don’t know what to do
So I’ll leave it up to you
Population keeps on breeding
Nation bleeding,
still more feeding
Life is funny,
skies are sunny
Bees make honey,
who needs money,
I’d love to change the world
But I don’t know what to do
So I’ll leave it up to you
Day halving can precede the curve
Someone makes a video explaining day halving and it rockets to worldwide popularity. Suddenly it is adopted by one government and then another, and then the Japanese government adopts it. In each place congestion plummets. Then I have one worldwide success under my belt while the secret remains intact. And it is so easy, we are just moving the work schedule around a little bit to much better distribute infrastructure usage. Let people see the world getting better by themselves. Let the world jazz itself up a little bit. The day-halvers will spend significantly less time commuting to work, the employers will be able to double shift, and traffic will be better for everyone.
I would have a bunch of doctors sign a petition: “We ask that soccer be changed so that it is not allowed to hit the ball with one’s head. We think that this is probably harmful, and it is so easy to just change the rules of the game and make it truly football.”
Graduation and prom tuxidos
What a waste of time and money this is. What a dent this makes in the savings of our poor students right when they graduate. I don’t care if it is only $100, it is $100 that people have to piss away on worthless nothing. Also, all school yearbooks should be available free as a download. And the school ring racket should be halted too.
William S. Burroughs
You know, naked lunch and Junky are not this cool junky talking about his experiences, they are Arab propaganda to romanticize and glorify becoming an opiate slave or ad•dict, a person who does as they are told. Someone said, “I will publish your book, just let me make some nonsensical changes.” To be the author, he did as he was told.
Naked Lunch, Drugstore cowboy, Train-spotting
It says something that opiate media is normally so well made and artistic, even it is not called artistic.
Virtual warrants
The Senate may issue search and arrest warrants to police making oral applications via video phone.
Mercenaries and the modern world
We don’t need people from the most violent and hate-filled places in the world selling themselves as hired guns and going and making trouble for the rest of mankind. Those who fights in a third country’s wars and can’t demonstrate that they are a citizen of a nation officially involved in a war should be executed if captured.
pitigliano jpg
Look how big the church is
Clearly this church was running this society in a safe place? Strange how nobody asks who corrupted this church.
Why is Blue-eyed food so bland?
Does it help people to taste poison, which was often a matter of a wipe with spoiled food.
Europeans are bigger
Since Greek times, the Arab struggle was apparently fiercest in Europe, and that is why the people from this continent are slightly bigger than the rest of the world. Their ancestors were killed at a much greater rate than yours and the survivors became bigger as a result.
Araucaria columnaris or Cook pines
These pines are a native of New Caledonia, on the northeast edge of the Australian plate. They have developed the curious habit of growing not vertically like other plants, but leaning at about 8° to the north, almost in the direction of the Australian continent’s movements. To me this looks like an adaptation to the seismic hazard for it is perfect for surviving giant earthquakes that might otherwise break off the trees. It is yet another indication that the Australian continent jumps or leaps.
Australia’s GPS drift
Is Australia creeping or does it jump, or both?
Tsunami pods
In the 2004 tsunami I saw how most people are only cut on the feet or lower legs by the debris, while progressively fewer are injured further up their bodies. These were the people who had contact with the swirling sharp garbage in the waters. I think these pods are actually over-engineered. I would either cast concrete for say a 2.5m+ diameter, or make two “wok” halves on a sheetmetal lathe as below. I would then stack them up like salad bowls in a container. Then I would have this super slow giant rock tumbler connected to a welder that welds the two halves together robotically. One half has a hatch and two portals, the other has a water and food box, along with a chain attachment plate. There is maybe a 30m heavy steel chain held by expansion bolts to the garage or bedroom footing.
Eating 75-year old Army rations
Clearly it is possible to preserve food for a very long time.
How do you define automatic fire
I define automatic fire as a fire rate where not enough time exists to aim each shot.
Rifles are better
1) The Heritage Foundation reports that according to the FBI, 97% of all firearm homicides are committed by handguns and less than 3% by rifles.
2) The sloppy aiming of handguns obviously leads to many unintended deaths and injuries.
3) Rifles are much more useful for civil defense.
4) Perhaps we should have different legal standards for rifles, to encourage their use.
Handguns are not about civil defense
They are not very effective in case of invasion.
Rifle holes in 24 hour stores
If we allow 3rd parties to shoot armed robbers, we imagine many operations with small rifle holes in a bullet-shielded wall to the back room.
Money liability for self defense?
There should be no liability for injuring people committing violent crimes.
Handgun ownership redlined areas?
The first apartment building I purchased was previously the crystal meth (amphetamine) capital of El Cajon California prior to being repossessed by Home Savings and then sold to me. El Cajon really cleaned itself up, but around this time, El Cajon had been called the meth capital of the nation. So, in a way I bought a building that was the capital of the capital of US meth-heads.
Hundreds of meth-heads knew of my building as a meth spot from before I bought it. And most of these regarded my building as a potential place to find meth. So during the first year or two, there were many visits from meth-types slowly driving down the driveway, carefully looking around, acting like lone ants, probing around for sugar/meth. And if they found any sugar/meth they would talk and there would be this long stream of ants/meth-heads. And these people would ruin my building before I could get the bad tenants out due to California’s stupidly slow unlawful detainer laws. So it was absolutely imperative that I not let ANY meth heads into my building.
I got a big discount on the price of my building due to its history. So my strategy was to price my freshly renovated units towards the bottom of the market given their their nice condition. But still nobody wanted to move in at first. Everyone was worried about moving into a building that would become a meth-ville again.
You see, my building was still a tremendous location for anyone wanting to sell meth. So I got lots of tenant applications from addicts. And while it was quite difficult to find good tenants, it was also super easy to find the one bad tenant meth-head that would turn my newly remodeled building back into meth party central.
What I did to keep the meth heads out was to go and visit where the applicants lived, on a weekend evening if possible, and watch what was going on. This left me with the clear impression that nearly all of the Meth-heads lived in less than 5% of the apartment buildings that were themselves only maybe 1/3 of El Cajon’s housing.
So to my way of seeing, there are pockets of troublemakers and perhaps the Senate should just redline these locations and say to people who have lived in these troublemaker places, we will not allow you to carry a firearm because you live in a place that is the source of so much criminal activity.
Drug company junkets
The marketing of drugs should not be corrupted by junkets, gifts and promotions. In fact, drug companies should be strictly regulated as to what they are allowed to do with their money before it is considered corruption.
The twin cities
One is the leader of the west and the other is the leader of the East. Athens and Cairo? Then Rome and Carthage. Then Rome and Alexandria, then Constantino—polis (Constantine city), and Persia run by Babylon/Mesopotamia. Then there was a dark ages then Lisbon for a few decades and I think Cairo, then Madrid and I think Cairo. Then Everyone left and Britain had its age, then it was New York and the Mideast. The twin cities are just Ishtar City and the rich city Ishtar used as a front in the West.
Training media for single-shot militia rifles
1) A two trucks loaded with 16 men and mostly AK’s drive into a town. When they get to a certain point, about 500, or 10,000 men with single shot rifles aimed come our to the street. The cars stop and surrender, and the people seize military weapons. They also zip tie the captives.
2) In an alternate scene, the AK guys go for their guns and all at once there is a giant volley of about 500 riffle shots and the insurgents get instantly turned to bloody hamburger heaps in a second, CGI style, very vividly.
3) In another scene, two guys wearing AKs are standing on a street corner. Meanwhile, the locals are knocking on doors and getting let in and let up to the roof. One of the AKs almost gets shot, and a second later about 12 shots cut down both men instantly.
4) Explain how bullets fall over distances and how the wind affect a shot.
Desert irrigation
Surface irrigation should be prohibited. All irrigation water should be conveyed via pipes and either dripped or sprinkled on to the crops. Also, thirsty rice an alfalfa should not be grown in deserts.
Castles in the sky
This is impractical, but paradoxically a world in the sky actually works.
Ishtar’s skin
It is mostly made up of people who know little about its true nature.
Fructose resistance and obesity
Insulin tells your muscles, fat, and liver cells to absorb glucose from the bloodstream. It basically tells your cells to eat or don’t eat, in an on/off fashion. So let’s say your liver gets damaged and is no longer able to metabolize fructose well. Then its starts getting these frequent backlogs of un-metabolized fructose. So Glucose levels go up slightly but for many hours, and the body handles this by slightly raising insulin levels for many hours. In effect, these people have their cellular eat switch turned on for more of the day and that is why they gain weight.
1-drink per hour?
How much fructose can people eat without backlogging? How much fructose is harmless?
Alcohol induced fructose resistance syndrome
Growing up I saw so many thin people start drinking and then a couple years later they just gained just so much weight. I think what is going on is that they binged and hurt their livers and their ability to absorb fructose, then with insulin levels too high too much of the time, their cellular eat switch was switched on for a bigger part of each day. So they gained weight.
Don’t snack all day long
What happens if you are eating all day? Isn’t your inulin level raised all day? Do you wake up not particularly hungry but then once you start eating, you are hungry all day?
Fructose induces hepatic lipogenic enzymes
An interesting heading from Wikipedia.
Un-metabolized fructose
Find people with lots of this and compare them to people without it. What ailments are associated with it?
Neutralizing fructose only works wen it is in the digestive system.
Everything that belongs to Ishtar goes
All the mines and all the refineries and all the plastics and paint and fertilizer manufacturing. That is the trade. You give up everything and they feed your people and we call of the stupid struggle once and for all with a total explanation of every tactic. And the guys that explain the parasitic tactics to the host get to be Ubiqs or Senators for their contribution. And this gives you the right to be considered as a citizen rather than an Ishtarian Exhod in the reapportionment if you get your service recognized, or tentatively recognized early enough by the Senate.
I know it is a little unjust,
but its the best I could come up with
Basically, everyone gets one place, the place they are in at the moment of the reapportionment. However if you have a house and it is not rented, and you are occupying a rental, then you can choose which house you want. If you have rented your property and are staying somewhere else in a rental, you get the property you have rented. If you run out and spend an uncharacteristic amount on renting a mansion, or a super expensive hotel room, you will probably get nothing for it.
The 5-point star
This is the hand of personal greed, like fingers outstretched in a grab for currency bills.
The cost of tobacco related illness
The above link says that the overall cost of tobacco related illness in the US is about $300B/yr (about $625,000/death). This is about 1.5% of GDP. The same graph incidentally puts the overall cost of illicit drug use at about 1% of GDP.
Judicial review is a blid
By what perversion of justice do we allow any appointees or elected individuals to over-rule or delay any decision of any legislature in our nation?

If it can be mistaken for smoking
Even if the promo photos/posters for a film have a feature that can be mistaken for smoking or tobacco, the media must be stigmatized. Even of people talk about going outside for a smoke, it is smoking. Even if they make a cigarette gesture with their fingers it is smoking. Even if they are holding something that looks like a cigarette it is smoking.
Township gantry cranes
They are rectangular. They have 4 paired tank treads that are centered under a swiveled I-beam legs. The legs are connected to a horizontal trusses with a T-shaped ending on wheels so the width of the gantry is adjustable. This makes two ∏-shapes. And the I-beams probably go into some sleeve so the legs can be leveled independently. The ∏-shapes are penetrated on each leg by trusses running along the Y-axis. Thus the cranes are of an adjustable width. The thing has diagonal sheer bracing on the sides and back, but the front only has it near the crossing bar at the top.
The shoeboxes are unloaded from the train and put upon these diesel tank platforms that maybe 2/3 of the width of the unit they move. They drive up between the foundation stumps and into the gullet of the gantry crane, or the lorax. (Call it the lorax to dishonor that great childhood propagandists Theodore Geisel, whose served as a blid for another Dr.Seuss, a real doctor Seuss living on a mountain.) Anyway, the lorax auto-grapples to the shoebox in the two places and then precisely places the unit. The moment the shoebox is up, the platform goes for another unit and then the platform behind it drives into the gullet of the lorax.
Johnson wax HQ shapes
I would cast these shapes square and put about 40cm of styrofoam on top. These bolt together And maybe I would have these 90cm thick skylights that have about 50 layers of fat clear bubble wrap in them. That is how I would do factories. And I would make sure to put about 40cm of styrofoam under about 95% of the floor. And the walls would have 40cm there too. And that is how I would do factory and warehouse outside of earthquake country. I might also place these in a hole and embed them in a say a 70cm diameter foundation pour.
God wants you to kill people
Here it is real easy to tell the difference between the good god and the devil in drag.
DRAG = This is the word for the devil’s disguise. The devil wears drag and Br•ad•A and luxurious vinyl. And he drives the biggest gas guzzler he can.
How many chrysanthemum petals?
How many tiny chrysanthemum flower petals do you have to eat each day to kill most of the mosquitos that bite you? I bet it is less than one.
No pleasure hunting with drones
If you want to do this you must use a simulator. They may however be used to cull wild raised animals.
Do horror movies glorify gory murder?
If they does (like with reservoir dogs and Pulp Fiction) they should get stigmatized.
MACRO-DEMOCRACY = 1:50,000 or more democracy
MICRO-DEMOCRACY = 1:1-million or less democracy
I see the mountains and green areas becoming maybe 8,000 townships of up to 30,000 people, but the average being less than maybe 10,000 people. They connect o maybe 6 or 12 rail interchanges and a few hundred township interchanges. And it might only take 4 hours door-to-door from to get from northern Alabama to Pen-sylvania.
What bumpkins we were. Around the time of the American revolution, the people didn’t even understood Pan-sylvania.
Pipes and heat-loss
Everyone misses this. Well insulated pipes lose almost no heat. There is no reason not to have municipal heating. It is more efficient and hassle free than home heaters and cooling. And all the pollution can be generated miles away from town.
How to discourage the use of stone
1) No new building will be approved if they have improper stone installations. And they must be finished, including the floors.
2) No improper use of stone in public buildings.
3) No improper use of stone on building exteriors.
4) Stone quarries are allowed to operate, however stone tiles and stone sheets will be considered a luxury goods of various degrees and subject to higher property tax rates for as long as they are installed.
5) This does not apply to slate and other cleaved materials as opposed to the material sawn into sheets. It also does not apply to volcanic ash and other soft rock materials used instead of blocks or bricks.
6) Flamed granite is always acceptable in bathrooms, kitchens, wet stairs, and wet entries.
7) Granite and marble in furniture are not taxed as luxury things, because at the furniture scale they are not luxuries.
Gay pride parades
To my mind people have the right to have sex with whoever they mutually agree in private. And they can also gather in meeting places. But they don’t have the right to display that on the streets where other people’s children might see it. And I also don’t think gay adults should have the right to interact with other people’s children considering how many children seem to be converted in this way.
Attractive gay men
ugly gay women
The men are more attractive than average, ask any straight women. And the women are less attractive than average, ask any straight men. And these two fact are sufficient proof that homosexuality is not inherited but created by society. On the part of the gay men, it tends to be that men hit on boys a lot when they are young. On the part of the gay women, it tends to be that only gay women seem to care about them.
If 1/3 of children are sired
5% of the men will have 33% of the children, so getting elected to the Senate will on average give a man 6.6 sires. The Main-Senators and especially the Over-Senators will have far more sires than this.
Our big problems
1) Ishtar and Islam.
2) Corrupt democracy.
3) We need to move many cities.
4) Idiocracy.
5) Over population.
6) Earth’s climate cycle.
7) “The environment” is not on this list.
8) All of these are just decade or double-decade problems maximum, all except the volcanos.
Pulsars and time
The reason they spin so fast is that they are spinning in a greatly accelerated place that contains lots of mass, so time goes very fast there. I guess this is another connection to reality for my theories.
Over engineering
In the theoretical, proof of concept phase, it is generally better to over-engineer. Also, while 24 square meters of viaduct (and perhaps 60 tons of semi-stable material per meter) is simply not needed for long-braking 300kph trains, with 600kph fast braking trains, this is not such an overbuilding.
My government will leak power
I guarantee that it will leak power somewhere. And the leaks will grow and grow in size until you address them. So the moment you spot an exploitable power leak, you have to plug it.
Nautilus clamps
The actuator mechanism for the house casting forms may use geared-down nautilus clamps.
Over-designed concrete
The 4” thick slabs of reinforced concrete we see in tilt up construction are an greatly over designed for the loads involved.
Harvest is from heart vast
It was heart vast season.
Mona Lisa = MN•al•Issa = idea•of•Jesus
Mohammed = MN•ham•mid = idea•man•form
Don’t let leaps stifle further small steps
Be on guard against this. Treat my ways as only a starting point. Don’t make my ways sacred if a better way comes along.
Decimilized Democracy
1) It has no less than 1:10,000 representation.
2) It propagates 1% per teneth.
Township bots/buggies
When you get into the bot, your handheld tells the bot where you are going and your destination appears on the screen with the default drop off unless you select a new acceptable drop point. At 60kph, it is 1-km/minute and remember there are no traffic lights in a one-way radial city. So if you are going 7-km out, that is maybe an 8-minute ride. Also, I don’t think there should be anything but shared vehicle parking near the train station. In fact, in townships, I don’t think there should be any but shared single-wide ultra-light vehicles, perhaps air powered if that is best.
Why the north industrialized
In the winter and when there were famines, there was always this large number of people who didn’t have any work and wanted to make some extra money. So they started working in Ishtar’s factories. And because of poor transportation, and long and tiring/expensive commute many preferred to work 12-hour days and sleep in the worker housing. 12-hours to rest, 12 to work and there was another fellow sleeping in your bunk while you worked. And the pay was a whole lot more than a person could make on a farm.
Strong borders
The world is not ready to function without strong borders. There is too much distance between liberia and say Sweden. Besides, if we don’t regulate immigration, Ishtar will do it for us. Each nation should have strong borders, and carful vetting and re-education of those it lets in. It is so important that all of the effort and cost of migration be paid to the nation that takes them and not to the mafia running the intentionally awful place they are running from.
Atlantis again?
What happens to Atlantic civilization the next time “Anak Krakatoa” burps near Iceland? And look at how the wave is funneled towards London and the Never-lands.
GM babies
1) I think this is a good thing that will better life for all mankind.
2) I don’t see any aspect of immorality to it.
3) I certainly don’t see any issue with removing defects.
Of BMI and Chinese Yuan
I thought it good for the market to overshoot and make Chinese labor a little too valuable. In the same way I may have overshot a bit on the age and BMI standards for people in media. These are both sliding scale things. If you think I have made a mistake, then you should take the market back quickly.
Sexual violence and bondage
Our free society should not allow the sexualization of bondage or the glorification of sexual violence.
The centralization of computing
Be real careful about allowing this, particularly with memories.
Where Orwell rules
Video camera surveillance is obviously a tremendous benefit to society in some places, but not others. It is a blessed thing in our jails, crime zones, and where grown men interact with children that are not theirs. It is a blessing in our courts and around our police officers and government people while they are on the job. And Orwell goes off and dark for their personal lives. We want a world that is Orwell-on here and Orwell-off, 100% off, there.
The analogy of internet investing in 1992
Q: Lets say it is July 1992 and the entire internet contains less than a million IP addresses and you are sure it is going to be huge. Everyone thought it was going to be huge. How do you invest and make money? A: As I recall there was only AOL and CMGI. So most people made money either making something or investing in someone else’s web property.
An early internet timeline: Hobbes’ Internet Timeline
Spirits are not exactly omniscient
But it IS wise to assume that they are. You can’t lie to a spirit.
Same same but different
Thor’s hammer, the drummer boy, and Neo’s blows. Eth•or, shout-mouth goes around breaking the old matrix with his an•our, and then starts playing a whole new tempo of truths.
Life is front loaded
The most critical part of the baby’s life is right in the beginning, like starting in the first week. Keep talking to the baby, keep pulling the baby out into the world, engaging with the world around him.
Why I killed IP for photographs
Society doesn’t gain anything really by having IP for photographs. They are so easy and even pleasurable to take and post that having no IP will not in any way hinder the supply. On the other hand it will help information exchange and free speech if there are no rights here. • • • I killed IP in music for similar reasons. Society doesn’t get any less good music doing this, and it gets rid of all that for-profit music idol crap infesting the world.
Pride in pricing
I think that the world would be a much nicer place if more people took more pride in their pricing, that they didn’t charge too much, or take advantage of circumstances, like charging more for umbrellas when it rains.
Education, speed over fancy school
Today, everyone pretty much finishes each type of school at the same age and the grades are hidden. So the only thing that varies/matters is the quality of the school for each type of degree. The way it should be is that there are standard curriculums and people distinguish themselves by how quickly they compete those curriculums. The school should not matter.
Education, speed over saturationI
always thought that 90% and even 80% study memory is a fools errand.
The construction sector
I bet most projects not yet 70% or 80% complete will be abandoned. Work can continue, but the value will just not be there when it is finished. • • • The construction sector is going to get re-tooled completely. It is going to stop working on roads and start building railroads. It is going to stop fabricating homes and start working on a structure casting assembly line. But the rebar sheets will be made and placed by robots. The doors and windows will be placed and foamed by robots. The floor will be ground/finished by robots. The conduit segments and pipe segments will probably be snapped into place by humans. The cabinets will be hung by humans, the plumbing and electrical connections will be by humans.
New Brooklyn
New Boston, New Bronx, New Manhattan. Wherever possible, make it new-X. If this is not possible, then use something like Reyork.
The marketing of prescription opioids should be banned.
Far away township utility plants
1) Our plants are probably fired by clean coal technology because we are saving our relatively scarce petroleum resources for “off-grid” vehicle use by future generations.
2) The coal fired plants probably goes 10 to 20 km away from our township, more inland and generally down wind. They also probably on a hill so the pollution is diffused.
3) Because of the thin air and coolness at altitude the chillers will work better. It is conceivable that there will be chillers still further up in a different location from the central coal plant and fluid pumping plant. These chillers may also be be coal fired.
4) There may be “anti-freeze lines”, from centralized refrigeration so that people do not actually have compressors in their refrigerators or freezers.
5) The plants can share output through long pipelines so the plants can be taken off-line for repairs.
6) Electricity, heat, cooling, refrigeration, potable water, and potable hot water, compressed air, and vacuum can all come from 10-20km away.
Snoop Dog
Note the money, the good life, the guns, the machine guns, and woman holding the baseball bat with nails through it. Also note the hate and look at 2:54.
Community news videos
Each county should keep a hashtag index for all news events. Then people will post the videos. These will be rewarded by the ARS, and if they go nationwide, the poster will make a good chunk of money with very little effort. All the videos will get saved for later review. Thus there might be hundreds of videos of say Palu from the tsunami there.
Senate media is promentheus’s eyes
Look at the worthless garbage stories on C*NN and the BBC and in our newspapers.
Are you really environmentally minded?
We have become too powerful with out vehicles and our guns for killing other armed men. The animals don’t stand a chance if there is a worldwide food crisis from say the end of the Holocene era. And we know it must one day end. And the current blue phase is rather long on the tooth. Maybe it will be tomorrow, or maybe it will go on for 4,000 years more. But can we take the chance? Is it wise to take the chance? Why not store a realistic amount of food?

OCM = overpopulation control mechanism
To the green, yellow, orange and red nations in this map, you don’t have a choice. It has been decided at the global level that the entire world will obey a one child plus policy. And also that those nations which have seen their population mushroom over the past few decades, they will have slightly tighter rules that nations with more stable populations.

Single-wide vehicles will be about as wide as the cab of this royal monstrosity. Some will have one bench, some two benches.
Cement casting regulation
The runoff drying ponds need to be kept wet when it is windy. And the But other than this, and osha requirements, there really should not be any special approvals for cement casting plants. And there should not be any product liability for the output for maybe a year or two, and after that, it should always be fair to both sides.
rude = our•oo•de
Abusive = ab•usive
This is the Arab term for someone who is combative and no longer useful.
Insolence = in•sol•hence
The Apple dictionary says: “rude and disrespectful behavior. I think this is a particular type of rude and disrespectful behavior, that from people who fight the sun.
audacious = audi•aki•ous
1) An impudent lack of respect.
2) A willingness to take risks.
Mannered = man•erred
Clearly there were these men who were in err, or had erred. And what is a man•err•ism, but a gesture like properly educated orator would make. So on one hand we had a world which taught me to speak with learning, and with polish, teaching them to gesture when they spoke, like European and especially Italian cultures do. Mannerism comes from these Italian-style gesticulations. Man•erred is how these mannerists were pushing for the inverted Arab agenda and it was completely wrong.
The ancient schools offered learning and polish, but delivered mostly polish and learning at about an 80/20 or 90/10 ratio. That is what oratory was, polish and learning.
Impudent = imprudent
This was to get rid of our word for only thinking of right now.
Redundant words
Think of all the finely distinguished and redundant words in our languages, the words of the SAT. I assert that most of these words are not the result of our collective psyche acting on our languages, but a trash can for ideas and terms the devil wanted to get rid of or bend away.
Things I think are rubbish
1) Horoscopes.
2) Communicating with the dead.
3) Reading palms.
4) Tarot cards.
5) Appeasing gods and spirits.
6) Voodoo and black magic.
Stick carrier migrations
They followed the lions around, which I think were solitary before the stick-carriers showed up on the scene. And gosh, isn’t it strange how the only place where cats herd up is here. I tell you, this weird cat herding behavior is man’s “indentation” in the lion species. We followed the cats, which followed the herds. Thus we began migrating, as bands of hyper-aggressive stick-flailing prey thief bluffers. This is why we can walk all day if we have to. And we didn’t need to be fast or strong, we just needed to be smart and use the sticks we held in our hands, and to yell and whoop lots of lion-unfamiliar sounds to drive the lions off.
Heavily modulated Chimp screeches
We count eight tonal modulations on a vocalization that is itself highly modulated. Note the amplification of intensity over time. This is a highly optimized sound evolved for scaring away predators. The apes that made this sound frightened their predators more than the ones that made other sounds. This is what our pre-split ancestors started with when they ventured out of the jungle and onto the grasslands of Africa. Then they encountered predators on a daily basis. In fact they sought out animals that could and did easily kill them at times. So there was this mental arms race between the cats which quickly became desensitized to the ape bluff and the apes making the mostly bluff sounds (at least at first). And here nature rewarded the apes that could make different and varied sounds that would keep the cats frightened by the unknown.
Chimps did not really change
Look at the difference between chimps and bonobos. That is about how much that side changed since the 3-way split of our species. So chimps/bonobos are pretty-much what we were just before we hit the event horizon when one started carrying around a stick as so many boys instinctively do.
Step-1: Keep stick in hand
This ape will eventually hit the piñata.
Step-2: Develop coordination
This ape became more and more deadly
Step-3: Aim for the head
This ape defeated all, both lion and man.
Step-4: Use the end of the stick to punch with
Step-5: Sharpen the end of the stick.
Step-6: Add stones to the end of the stick
Step-7: Add metal to the end of the stick
Whooping and talking
Perhaps it was whooping at cats (lions and leopards) mostly that caused our ancestors to evolve the sound-making capacity that provided the physiological platform of sound making for language to develop in. Think of the way house cats modulate their voices when they fight. If you watch cats howling at each other, or you imitate cat howling sounds, they are clearly frightened by sound modulations. In the two clips above, we hear as many as 8 modulations in some chimp screeches.
It is easy to imagine that it was valuable to make many different sounds to scare the lions away to the maximum. So perhaps we developed language, at first not to communicate, but to better bluff and scare cats away, and also to call then and distract them from the ones they are attacking. In Sri Lanka I saw a troupe of wild Toque (i think) monkeys do this when 3-dogs had cornered a monkey on an isolated tree.
Which animals cause chimps to yell?
Which animals do Chimps screech at? Do they make it more with cats than other predators?
Human and lion saliva
Our ancestors were swapping spit with lions and leopards and other predators for a couple million years. The cats would eat a bit and we would drive them off and eat their saliva. We might share closely related bacteria in our mouths and guts. It should be mostly related to African predators but not predators on other continents.
Universal translator
It would sure be nice if the search engines had popularity ranked definitions for all words and acronyms in every major language.
population density /sq.km.
World land excluding Antarctica — 57
World with water — 15
Bangladesh — 1,153
Singapore — 7,800
Bangladesh — 1,153
Java Island — 1,100
Bali — 730
Taiwan — 652
South Korea — 515
Rwanda — 456
Netherlands — 417
Haiti — 411
India — 409
Israel — 407
Belgium — 375
Philippines — 357
Japan — 334
Sri Lanka — 330
Vietnam — 286
UK — 272
Pakistan — 253
Germany — 232
North Korea — 212
Nigeria — 212
Italy — 200
Uganda — 161
China —145
Indonesia — 139
Thailand —135
Denmark —135
France —123
Poland —123
EU avg. — 116
Austria — 106
Turkey — 105
Syria — 99
Malaysia — 99
Egypt — 98
Iraq — 94
Spain — 92
Cambodia 89
Romania — 82
Greece — 81
Myanmar — 80
Morocco — 78
Uzbekistan — 73
Ukraine — 70
Mexico — 64
Iran — 50
Afghanistan — 49
Belarus — 46
Eritrea — 43
Columbia — 40
Venezuela — 35
USA — 33
Peru — 25
Somalia — 24
Sweden — 23
Uruguay — 17
Paraguay — 17
Argentina — 16
Mali — 15
Oman — 14
Chad — 12
Bolivia — 10
Russia — 9
Kazakhstan — 7
Canada — 4
Libya — 4
Guyana — 4
Surinam — 4
Australia — 3
Mongolia — 2
Population density 1
1) Most of the planet is quite un-inhabitated.
2) China is not that crowded at 145 people/skm. That is 6,900 meters of land per person. That is 1.7 acres or 0.7 hectares per person.
3) India at 409 people/skm is much more crowded than China at 145/skm.
4) The Mideast harem ejecting lands with 99 people/skm should be about as crowded as somalia 24/skm and Mali 15 people/skm. So there are about 4-6 times too many people.
5) Note how the harem ejecting lands have just under 100 people/skm. Their population may be understated. It probably varies a great deal and this is the low point.
6) Russia has 9 people/skm and Canada 4 people/skm. Also most of South America remain quite under-populated.
7) Singapore is a famously beautiful city with a density of 7,800.
Population density 2
India — 409
UK — 272
China —145
USA — 33
Canada — 4
1) The UK is more crowded than China.
2) India is not that much more crowded than the UK.
3) Canada has 1% of India’s population density.
4) The US has 8% of India’s population density.
Like a flea on 3,000 elephants
The planet has 17 trillion times the mass of mankind. Fleas weight up to about 1 milligram each. And an average elephant weighs about 5,800-kilos. So the elephant has 5.8 billion times the mass of the flea. So that is 17,000,000,000,000 divided by 5,800,000,000 = 2,931. So the true scale of mankind, all of us together is not like a flea on an elephant. It is like a flea on three thousand (2,931) elephants. Now do you see the true scale of mankind against the planet?
Australia’s eastern mountains
Does Tasmania belong geologically with the north Island of New Zealand? And on the north, do Australia’s eastern mountains belong with New Guinnea?

Birdsville Australia elev. 46m
The town of Birdsville is in Queensland, but it is just north of Southern Australia. Here we grasp how so much the east half of South Australia is barely above sea level.
Hughenden Queensland elev. 324m
This is where the rivers that drain into north and southern oceans meet. The elevation is only 324m.
The 1st law of minerals
Resources are more or less scattered evenly around the world, and those who say otherwise are liars.
The 2nd law of minerals
The easiest way to make money on minerals is to eliminate your competition.
The 3nd law of minerals
Dis-economies of small scale are probably necessary in mineral mining and manufacture so that monopolies do not form.
The 4nd law of minerals
The public should constantly watch to make sure its minerals remain commodities instead of becoming cartels.
Why desert have all the mines
1) It is much easier to surface prospect in places without top soil.
2) The Arabs generally find the desert mineral deposits and then obtain them for next to nothing and then make sure that only their mines are operating.
Peace and freedom for Russia
If you want peace in Russia. If you want to make sure you are never invaded and slaughtered again, you should create multiple easy routes between Europe and Asia.
Advantages of bipedalism
1) Free hands for stick carrying. (well known)
2) Better vision in savanna grasslands.
3) It is more frightening to lions.
4) The lion stick blows are more powerful and hurt more.
Man is partly an omnivore
Many people’s bodies can’t survive a high fruit diet.
A melon for lunch
Maybe 3 years ago I saw a guy having a melon for lunch (or maybe it was a snack). He looked like he thought it was a healthy thing to eat. It isn’t, and everyone should know this and they should know why they shouldn’t have too much sugar, especially fructose in their diet.
The fairy circles of Namibia
This is obviously about water in the desert, and a lack of water is causing the dry patches. Why are there no plants inside the rings? Why are the plants around the edge taller and greener? Because these plants are actually quite old, and they were once growing in the center and that is where most of their old roots are located. These roots quickly extract nearly all the water from the soil, so nothing else can grow there. The plant stays about the same size and the root system grows and grows horizontally. • • • Now look at the up close photo and you will see how these plants are actually grasses. So here we have grasses that are perhaps centuries old. It sort of makes one wonder if maybe we should try to get our crops to grow perennially without wasting 90% of their energy on growing a new plant every year. Then we might only need 10% as much fertilizer. Anyway, today our crops are all from the fast-adapting annual grasses that our ancestors could use for crops. Surely we can now genetically modify some perennial grass species to better suit our needs, or perhaps we will alter our annual grasses so they grow perennially. • • • I also want to point how how this species of grass is vastly more desert tolerant than wheat.
The big reasons why life is the way it is
1) Plant nutrition
a) Scarce water (cactus)
b) Scarce sunlight (kelp)
c) Scarce fertilizer (Venus fly trap)
x) all these things are life adapting to an extreme habitat and spreading into a place that was once uninhabitable.
2) Seed dispersal
a) Get your seeds dispersed
b) Eat a plant and disperse its seeds
3) Animal nutrition
a) Avoid being eaten
b) Catch and eat other anmals
c) Eat leaves
Mosquitos and fleas
Let nobody stand in the way of the extinction of these in the wild if man is ever able to do this. Good riddance.

Re-entry heat shields
They call them heat shields, but they are really wind shields. They are shielding the re-entry vehicle from winds so strong it causes friction and heating. I would use an external shield, probably a titanium forearm holding up a Roman shield made of titanium. This folds up from flat and acts like a motorcycle exhaust pipe shield, or the windshield on a motorcycle. In fact, I would say that anyone working on this problem should ride a motorcycle for 15 minuets with and 15 minutes without a big windshield: and do this when it is cold. You will then understand the windshield that you are designing. So to my mind, we want to break up the “wind” with heat shielding some distance off the re-entry vehicle.
If I was looking for gold
I would drill a couple holes in the dry parts of the San Diego river, both east and west of I-5. Also, maybe that dead area just north of Friars road. First the gold washes down the San Diego river. Then periodically the other stuff gets washed away by a tsunami leaving a really concentrated gold deposit. Funny name that is, “Golden triangle”. I bet that this is San Diego’s real Golden Triangle. And it makes perfect sense that less than a mile away is the first European settlement in the Californias. Ain’t that strange? I guess someone needed to keep an eye on this spot.
MYTH = something believed despite there being no evidence of the idea.
Calculating the mass of the universe
I would start with the assumption that the universe began as a more or less uniform spray of stars that has droplet-ized into galaxies. Because this process appears to be in late stage, I would assume that between 1/2 to 7/8 of the mass is already in the cores of the galaxies. There is all your “dark” matter, surrounded by bright stars about to be gobbled up.
Galaxies and gravity
The universe began with off the scale gravity and has become this place of long tail insignificant gravity/time. I see the reality of the “droplet” galaxies as the opposite. They lived their early life with long tail insignificant gravity and suffer an exponential acceleration of time until they shrink and gravity/time goes off the scale. This to me is why all the galaxies look more or less the same. It is because over 99.99% of their time they are either in their pre-formation or midlife, and only 0.01% of the time (or so) they are ending in a short spike phase or “super-nova” phase perhaps.
Dark matter galaxies
To me, there would be almost no dark matter outside of the post “supernova” galaxies that over a few days go vertical on their star gobbling and light emitting, going from a giangt pinwheel of stars to a single giant blob of matter.
Foundation spindle to shoebox
The four corners of the underside of our shoeboxes have these four thick and strong load distributing areas. These thick areas will have round indentions in their underside. These are shaped sort of like the underside of a coffee cup lid. These indentations receive the spindle foundations. And they are all in modular locations. Two side by side units will share one foundation spindle, so try to imagine a row of side-by-side shoeboxes with two coffee-cup-lids at each seam. and at the ends of the row.
In other places I explain how we will drill holes to make a foundation to below the heave line. Crews will go around and set flagged pins for the foundations. The Drill rig will find the pin and center the auger to drill the hole. Then a standard sized form, factory-loaded with rebar is lowered down the hole. Both the form and the rebar rest on this adjustable # hashtag form with the spindle in the middle square. The final adjustment of position and leveling is done by turning bolts. This way the spidle-top can easily be made to match the site lasers.
The spindle-tops are maybe 2 meters in diameter for some buildings. Thus it is easy to imagine a 40cm thick by 2m diameter compressed fiberglass pad or some other insulator used here. And because the entire rest of the structure, the roof, walls, and floor are encased in say 40cm thick tight-fitting styrofoam, with no thermal bridging, we can imagine true R-100 buildings.
A 60cm crawl space?
1) Maybe no part of anyone’s floor touches the ground.
2) If you add 50 cm of floor and insulation, you are up at around 110cm which is a perfect elevation offset with outside walkways.
Every new approach gets considered
You can earn Senate recognition even for seeing a new approach that doesn’t really work, just so that the Senate can consider (and chronicle) every reasonable approach.
Densely packed heat fused fiberglass
Maybe this is what we are going to use for structural foundation insulation.
OK, so we all suddenly realize that mankind has been run in the stupidest way for thousands of years. Are you going to blame someone for that?
The hundred years war
History records it at 116 years long, but I bet it could easily be interpreted as much longer than that. You know, there were men who fought in this war in the footsteps of their fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers, great great grandfathers and great great great grandfathers generation. This war obviously went on for so long that everyone took it for granted and presumed it was the natural way the world worked. You know, like in Orwells novel 1984.
Something like the 100-years war clearly happened with the Ishtarian side of the world with the struggle becoming the basis of their culture. I bet many said of the hundred years war: “We’ve been fighting this stupid war for more than a hundred years. What exactly are we fighting for? I asked lots of people and nobody can remember.”
Output is going through the roof
And it doesn’t matter because:
1) We will have a one child plus policy worldwide.
2) Because our new transportation and temperature conrols will be 30, or 60 times more efficient than today.
3) Because it was promised as part of our bargain to call of the Arab struggle and industrialize the rest of the world.Eternal violence
It those days, those outies who dared leave their communities found that the world was frequently a very dangerous place. From the time that the Western part of Rome collapsed in the late 300s, until the popularization of firearms about 900 years later, Ishtar ran the world.
Of conditional surrender & slave peculium
Both are non-binding. History tells us of many towns that surrendered on conditions that were then massacred. Also, what good is you peculium if you have been sold to a lanista? You might get deported if you have been on a multi-year tax-free welfare vacation in a foreign nation where you have acted like an ungrateful seditious jerk.
Water distribution infrastructure
The world needs to make plans for a series of multi-year volcanic droughts. To my mind, there is nothing here is so important as our ability to trap fresh runoff in central Africa, and from the Amazon and from where it lands in India and Indochina and get it to the rest of the continent. We really should build a large system for redistributing excess water.
Of abstinence and homosexuality
Haven’t we all heard about how government money for sex education has been used for sex education promoting abstinence? And isn’t teaching “tolerance” as it is now interpreted, another way of teaching kids that it is OK to be gay or pretend to be a woman or a man.
So I say look at our government, our schools, and our society. Look at how they promotes both abstinence and homosexuality. And I say, what force is doing this? It is not the conservatives because they would not promote the homosexuality in the schools and media. And it can’t be the liberals, because they would not teach abstinence. How did the conservatives get total control of this money for our schools, but they have no say in how our schools have grown so liberal. How can it be? How can it be unless Ishtar is real?
Surveillance capitalism
Who is going to protect us from this? Are other for-profit or ostensibly non-profit ventures going to protect us? I think we only have one avenue for not being enslaved. We need a stronger form of democracy to run the world.
[Remember how in the book of Exodus = Ex•hodos, remember how god killed the best born of Egypt. Social media and school gives a much clearer picture of who these are than school alone. Priya Kumar’s remark below:]
“Sharenting tells them what your child looks like, when she was born, what she likes to do, when she hits her developmental milestones and more. These platforms pursue a business model predicated on knowing users – perhaps more deeply than they know themselves – and using that knowledge to their own ends. ”
The critial part of Agrotech now
To my mind, the critical technology in agriculture has to do with efficiently getting the water to plants. This not only conserves scarce fresh water but also reduces salt buildup in the soil, perhaps below the point where it accumulates. Perhaps irrigation technologies should be rated for percentage efficiency, the percentage of water that is actually absorbed by the various crop plant. Perhaps videos should be made (in all languages) showing how much water is lost to open unlined earthen channels and to flooded channels between raised beds and how little is lost through buried drip-line tech.
Drip-line placement robots
I see a future where semi-desert soils are denuded of native vegetation, roto-tilled to say 16” and perhaps amended with water-sponging polymers, fine particulate accumulated in a nearby washs, and perhaps compost/sewer leaching. Then I see automated trucks with spools of drip irrigation pipe. There are robots on the back and sides that slice the pre-softened soil, and then place assembles and heat fuses the pipes Another device then comes along and plants a perennial plant at each wet point.
No irrigation of annual plants?
We may want to prohibit this so as to both increase the amount of irrigation water available and to reduce salt build up.
How often does the Salton Sea flood?
It would appear to experience these giant tsunami floods coming from the Sea of Cortez. Thus it gets instantly flooded to the maximum and then dries out over some centuries. If we find a flash flood wash we should be able to locate some buried trees and date them and figure out how often the Salton Sea floods and to what extent it regularly floods.
How many points on the struggle
It is easy to see how the struggle presents itself as a star with 8 and 6 points. It is curious how it seldom mentions the 5 and 7 point stars of the people who steal and divert from the struggle. Looking at Ishtar’s monopolies, they all seem to start out as perfect 8 and 6 point stars and within a generation nearly all seem to turn into 7 and 5 point stars.
What is green?
What is healthy? What is sustainable? What is good for the environment? Unless you are far from a power grid, wind and solar energy uses far more energy than they will ever produce. Fructose is a toxin. Food preservatives are actually beneficial. Pyrethroid pesticides are quire harmless. Tylenol is poison. False anarchy is Istar’s playground.
The pet tax
It is for both goods and services. This includes food, equipment, kennels, healthcare, dog walking, and the fees for checking your pet in the luggage compartment of an aircraft. However, it does not include the cost of sterilizing pets.
Ethyl Mercaptan
can be added to the Deox to give it the smell of gas. We can also color the deox so people know what is happening
The entire work is free as a download
It is also available in 20 paperback voumes for $77
Catastrophic TSUNAMI in Japan 2011 – Minamisanriku
Start at 5:50 with the video above. (Also, note the snow) When I watch this, I imagine that I am near the Old San Diego mission looking down on Mission valley and Bay Ho.
Australia and GPS
Did Australia creep on the GPS or did the system simulate a creep? Which places creeped on GPS and by how much and was it slow and steady or were there jumps?
Just skip ahead on the above video. The soil layers at around 3:00 sure do look like they are tsunami deposits being eroded by ever-higher late Holocene sea levels. And is our corrupt national government pissing away money helping the people at 3:41 to get flood insurance? 4:06-08 makes me think of Montreal.
Look at the above video from 1:50 to 4:50. This is what will happen to San Diego bay, and Mission Bay.
Addictive social media and kids
Maybe to make kid’s social media less addictive, it is better to display likes once or twice a day. Maybe even the grown up social media should only display likes every 30, 60 or 120 minutes for the same reason.
Tall grass lawns
I don’t think there is anything wrong with them. Lets start a labor saving, energy saving trend with tall grass lawns.
Meticulous garden tax
Maybe landscape services that visit more often than once per month need to pay a higher tax.
Is CBD proto THC?
The molecules are similar and so are the maximum concentrations. Is CBD actually partially formed and incomplete THC? Or maybe the plant first evolved CBD and then later it evolved THC.

When Africa obeys the UM 1-child policy, and forsakes Islam, and the world will help it to industrialize and help it to build canals to divert excess water to irrigate its giant desert and dry areas.
Thumbprints of voters
The election cards of our Senators should probably have a place for thumbprints.

Respect the rattlesnake, don’t fear it
You live in remote house with nobody around. You find a poisonous rattlesnake coiled up in your kitchen. You use the side of your pole saw to push the snakes head off the coil. Then you use the back of the saw to pin the snake’s “neck” against the ground. Then you chock up on the handle while maintaining pressure on the snake. When you are close enough, you start applying all your weight to the dull back edge of the saw blade, just 16 gauge sheet metal really. Then you start sawing the blade back and forth until you cut the snake’s head off. The snake could have easily killed you if you didn’t have a plan and pay attention at every second to the proper implementation of your plan. But the snake didn’t do that because you had a good plan and you followed it attentively.

Glucose and Fructose are quite similar

Breeding our crops to produce more glucose
To my view, plants have evolved to lean towards either glucose or frutose production as the environment requires. I bet it is not that difficult to breed high glucose fruits. Especially in the annual plants at least, the plants our ancestors chose as crops due to their rapid adaptability.
Fructose probably came later
Look at things from the plant’s point of view. It wants its seeds spread and it gives animals a nutritious snack to spread its seeds. Now the plants doing this have little reason to harm their symbiots… unless. Unless they want to discourage “mono-dietism” where the plant become the only food of some animal that just eats and hangs around that plant’s patch for life. That is where fructose comes in. It is the plant’s way of preventing this. And it is a week imperative for the plant, so that many/most/all? (I don’t know) produce both slowly harmful fructose and harmless glucose so the playing field can be sloped for their symbiots. It is not enough to harm the symbiot species really, but enough to delete the individuals from the species who go too far towards mono-dietism and exclusive dependance on their fruit.
Synchronized ripening, fermented fruit and die here
Many types of fruit ripen all at once and end up fermenting on the ground. This is really the die here strategy at work. The small animals that will not spread their seeds far have no effect on the survivability of the plant. But they will make good fertilizer. So the plant gets them drunk or high on grain mold, and they get high and stupid and debilitated and eaten and their remains and predator waste make good fertilizer.
What alcohol is
Fermented fruit or Alcohol is what the plants evolved to kill animals and make them into fertilizer according to the die here strategy. The plants take what was left of the sugar they were bribing their seed spreaders with, and they ferment it. Then the consumers get drunk and then their urine, feces, and perhaps their skin, bones, and brain, became fertilizer.
This drug is not your friend
Before animals adapted a tolerance for alcohol, the alcohol was probably much more toxic to them. Also, before humans adapted a tolerance for concentrated alcohol, the alcohol was much more toxic to them. Just look at the native people of the early US. So weighing the same, the early animals might have gotten the same effect from maybe 1/4 or 1/8 as much alcohol. And in the beginning at least, it was so easy for animals to consume this relative amount and die. They would:
1) Become unable to get up, let alone walk away and evade predators.
2) Need to vomit and become unable to evade predators.
3) Lose consciousness and become unable to evade predators.
4) Wake up terribly thirsty and due to their hangover they are less able to evade predators then they go for a drink.
5) Frequently become crazy for alcohol whenever available and begin consuming again immediately upon waking until they were totally “binged out”.
6) Lose sexual inhibition and breed more alcohol consumers with other alcohol consumers, thus breeding more of their useful kind.
The plants were giving away the banquet, so they had total control of the menu. And they evolved at least 4-separate tricks for turning animals into fertilizer. They also had a trick to assure return customers, as well as the breeding of more customers. On the Animal side, they mostly only developed a general tolerance for alcohol, an ability to hold and metabolize the calorie-rich alcohol.
Alcohol should not be a regular part of your diet
We all know what a steady diet of alcohol does to peple, don’t we? This drug is not your friend. And chances are that it has other ways to turn you into fertilizer.
One glass of wine is good for you
Watch the film “Sideways” and ponder my claim that this is an Arab propaganda meme that came from the same people who had doctors modeling cigarettes in glamor magazines. All the glamor gets removed now.
We tolerate alcohol so well
We can tolerate it so well. The only thing it really does is age us prematurely through the liver and brain mostly.
Fermenters and liverizers
Both glucose and fructose ferment at the same rate. Fructose is for the fermenters, the glucose is there for when these suffer a mass extinction due to one of Earth’s many climate shocks or fires, or roving predator attacks. or…
Why fruit dries so well
It evolved to dry well. This is because whatever plant’s fruit lasted the winter was much more likely to get his seeds spread far by a hungry symbiot.
Semi-sweet mangos
I quite like those super crispy and fiberless mild green mangos they eat in Thailand. I think more fruit varieties should be found in this direction with regard to sweetness.
Don’t eat too much of one thing
Plants evolved to be nibbled and grazed, not to be lived on. I wouldn’t be surprised if eating too much of many plants is the main source of dietary carcinogens.
Screens to the edge
I am a sceptic about foldable electronics over the long term. I think minimal edge thin screen tech is where it is at. I think the screens will either fail to display or fail to lay flat.
I bet disease was the real killer
I bet counter attenuated predator disease killed more of our early ancestors than the predators themselves.
Breeding fructose out of our supermarkets
I would have a higher tax on fructose and sucrose (which is half fructose) than on glucose. I might start with having fructose paying 4x the glucose tax and sucrose paying 2x.
How to spot Isthar’s businesses
1) They lead the nation in tolerance of homosexuality, transexuality, tatoos and liberalism among their employees.
2) They get you to do something mildly harmful like consuming fructose or caffein, or alcohol, or tobacco.
3) They are huge national operations because Ishtar can’t effectively manage small operations.
4) They play on cachet and coolness.
5) They spend money freely and their goods are rather expensive, for example “whole paycheck” and $4 coffees.
Follow the money in economies
Follow the nutrition in ecologies
Forbidden fruit
Maybe fruit was once forbidden in the Mideast like pork is still forbidden.
It is not for me to judge them
1) You want to waste my energies on this minutia? That is a classic Ishtarian trick for distracting your leaders. Don’t fall for it.
2) I don’t want to do this.
3) I have given you detailed guidelines.
4) Time of ignorance.
5) You need to learn to do this yourselves with your criminals.

The hookahriser
1) It looks much like this, but the suspension rod is a bit shorter.
2) The French press plungers are a sandwich of metal with screen between. The same will be true with the hookahriser except there are holes configured in a ring like in a revolver pistol, but with maybe 8 or 12 vaping holes, small holes much smaller than a dime. The nob at the top is rotated and thus there are numerous fresh vapes
3) There is perhaps a spring so that the sandwich must be pressed close to the heating element in order for the contraption to work.
4) This screen is stamped and deformed down by maybe 5-mm. This is so device can be loaded and carried around. It should probably also have eyelets for a carrying strap.
5) There is a small diameter version of an automotive cigarette lighter under the screen. The temperature of this is controlled by rheostat mounted to the thing. at the bottom near the heating element.
6) The screen sandwiches are available as a replacement part.
7) There are 1-to-4 hookah hoses in the top.
8) If people are crazy for glass, that can be wrapped in thick protective plastic as some of these French press devices are.
9) It has a cord and plugs into the wall.
10) There are indentations under the sandwich and there is a a weak spring near the heating element. This keeps the screen holes aligned with the heating element.
11) It is probably a bit wider, but not much taller that the device shown here.
12) The holes have numbered stickers next to them so people can tell the used from the unused.
13) It has two handles so it can be passed around. The lid might screw down like a jar. And maybe the bottle and handles are just a molded plastic bottle with a big jar lid on top.
14) I would sell them for $30 in clear plastic with a printed instructions.
15) There is of course not much contact between the sandwich and the jar. The sandwich just spins from one vaping hole to the next.
Variable school workload
We should not let our kids brains completely run down into total non-structure on vacations. This is not the right habit for people, is it? So in one way or another, every day has at least a token amount of work. And we would also do well to given kids say three weeks of 12 hour days every year, so they know they can do it.
Day halving and 2nd cars
The partner commuting to work shares their car with another commuter on the opposite schedule.
Will the world really change this time?
I bet there are cynics among you that doubt that this time is different, that this time it will work and Ishtar really will stay dead.
Is temperature really just the time rate?
1) Higher temperatures normally accelerate reactions. So if heat is not time, it sure acts like time.
2) Is what we perceive as room temperature a physical manifestation of a particular rate of time?
3) Is the heat of the sun an indication of the extraordinarily fast time occurring there?
4) When the sun’s energy diffuses, is that time diffusing into space as various component energy forms?
5) Are the near absolute zero temperatures of interstellar space an indication of how slow times grinds along there? 6) Is what we feel as the warmth of the sun’s light, really time from its local source in our part of the universe.
7) Do time rates transfer between objects like heat from a radiator, and heat from the sun?
8) I think of gravity as a second, unrelated aspect of differential time rates.
9) To be clear, I don’t hold that time acts on heat and gravity, I think that heat and gravity are aspects of time.
America’s lifetime oligarchy
62-congressmen have served for over 40-years.
224-congressmen have served for over 20-years.
Most of these are in recent decades. 39.5 rounds to 40 and 19.5 rounds to 20.
African leaps and the Mediterranean
Look at the oil fields of Lybia. Africa does jump towards Europe from time to time, and in such a small sea, the energy is diffused over much less coastline than say the Pacific. So these are big tsunamis.
Crete•ian = Greece•ian
Crete•ian = Mycenean Greece
Greece•ian = Renaissance Greece
Chrysanthemum tea & mosquito evolution
If a large number of people are poisonous to mosquitos, fleas, and other blood suckers because they eat a little chrysanthemum, then over time, won’t these insects sort of evolve not to bite humans? Now wouldn’t THAT be nice!
Maybe this has already happened and this is why many animal fleas don’t really go for humans. Maybe we have already done this due to our consumption of trace pesticides, as well as onions, garlic and other things that either kill or bother insects. Maybe the increase in butterflies is an indication that people are no longer using pesticides in our cities, making them much more efficient insect vectoring locations.
Is chrysanthemum a fruit
Are the seeds viable while the flower is juicy? If so, then we are looking at a flower that doesn’t grow a fruit, but the flower itself is the fruit. And this fruit like Marijuana is not sweet, but a chemical cocktail. What other chemicals are there in this plant? If Permethrin is chrysanthemum’s THC, what is its CBD and CBN?
What other flowers are there that are actually fruits? If the seeds are viable while the flower is juicy, the flower might have evolved for eating, like a fruit. And if it isn’t sweet, than it has to give some beneficial chemicals away.
The toxicity of nerve gas
Supposedly a drop of nerve gas the size of a period or a comma in book text is enough to kill a man if ingested. Pyrethroids are similarly toxic to insects because they do much the same thing as nerve gas does to humans. And because insects and vertebrates have completely different metabolisms, the insect nerve gas is or at least appears to be harmless to humans, thus we use it as a pesticide to kill insects.
Pesticide residues in our food
It is probably not true, but what if this was the main thing protecting the rich nations from the mosquito borne diseases before the whole organic idiocy set in. So travelers may bring malaria or zika virus, but all the mosquitos that bite them get sick from the pesticide residue in the blood they just ate.
Pesticides as anti-malarial drugs
We should do a study about blood insecticide levels and epidemiology. How much pesticide is necessary to kill 99% of the various insects biting us? This will give us a powerful tool for combatting runaway insect-borne epidemics. It will also give science a basis for studying the harmful effects of high levels of insecticide ingestion. And it should be remembered that:
1) 1,000,000 people a year die from Malaria.
2) The effects of insecticides at plague drug levels appears relatively harmless.
3) So the drinking water and might be pesticided in cities where more than a hundred people a year are dying of insect born disease, and this might cut transmission to close to zero.
Insect diseases among livestock and pets
Perhaps if we feed chrysanthemum leaves to our livestock and pets, (but not cats) then insect born diseases, and fleas and ticks will not spread/live among them.
Pesticides that accumulates in higher animals
There are many pesticides that are harmlessly flushed out of the system like drugs are flushed out of the system. Is it such a bad thing that we expose the world’s higher animals to trace amounts of harmless chemicals?
No pesticides, no modern world
Go to the section about Rome’s import crisis. You can’t imagine how screwed up the food supply was before industrialization and pesticides. To my mind, the organic foods people are
Against urban gardens
1) What a great way to help crop pests to spread around.
2) What a great way to get a crop pest nibbling on another crops.
3) Go work on a Real automated farm if you want to work with plants
Hay fever and Multiple sclerosis
My theory on hay fever is that it is from people going walking or running or just playing in plants when pollen was very high and this sudden increase in the irritant triggers a reaction in the lungs, sinuses, joints, esophagus, colon, wherever. Maybe when the body attacks the body’s myelin, it is called MS and it is more serious than when it attacks the sinuses.
MS-1) People in higher latitudes do both suffer from more hay fever and more MS. Where this distribution occurs, PHAID or “post hibernation auto immune disease would be my default choice for a cause until evidence suggesting otherwise turns up.
MS-2) There seems to be a long period of degeneration between when the allergy is developed and symptoms are observed in MS sufferers.

MS-3) The above graph shows that females are much more likely to get MS than males. The Below graph says much the same thing about Anaphylaxis. However, its numbers are not scaled properly, and one must look carefully to see how females are about 25% less likely to suffer from anaphylaxis overall.

MS-4) A little public awareness about PHAID and warming up in spring, and after sitting around in torpid mode a week will put a big dent in the numberer of people with sever allergies and with MS. And maybe the reason why you should warm up for athletics is not related to your muscles and tendons and cramps. Maybe it is mostly about your immune system, so you don’t develop allergies, asthma, or MS.

Auto-immune diseases that strike women more
Females seem to have stronger immune systems and/or responses due to the bearing of offspring. Here are some of the auto immune diseases that women suffer from more than men:
Sjogren’s syndrome,
SLE (Lupus),
Thyroid disease,
Myasthenia gravis,
Rheumatoid arthritis,
Multiple sclerosis,
Ulcerative colitis and Diabetes look to me more like diseases of sugar and alcohol consumption rather than auto-immune.
To me the real question is: Which of these diseases are like MS, more common in higher latitudes and among people who “hibernate” or otherwise get torpid for a long time in childhood. Also, the connection between low levels of Vitamin D and MS could be explained by how girls (and young women) tend to stay home much more than boys when it is cold.

Washington, Minnesota and Vermont
Why are people in these three states so much more likely than those in neighboring states to get MS? What do they do differently? I think they “hibernate” at some point in their life and then suddenly exercise. I think this tends to start a number of auto-immune syndromes. Then in a sliver of the population these syndromes become degenerative as people get older, either killing or merely ruining people’s lives.
A rule of thumb
If a disease is more common towards the equator, it is probably insect borne or bacterial. If the disease is more common at higher latitudes where people “hibernate”, it is probably auto-immune.
Winter vacation
I bet winter vacation for kids is a main cause of autoimmune diseases. It is easy to questionnaire people to find out about their childhood activity levels. I bet the kids that always did things for winter vacation didn’t really get MS like the kids, that didn’t go outside during winter break.
MIGRATION•OLOGY = the study and administration of non-citizens living among your people, their rules, incentives, and definitions.
MIGRATION•OLOGIST = a social worker/ probationologist for migrants.
High desert townships
Evaporative cooling
R-100 chilled water reservoir
Central frezer/ refrigerator liquids
R-100 buildings with proper thermal mass for a desert
Even small scale evaporative cooling is 3 to 6 times more energy efficient than air conditioning. Large evap units are much cheaper than air conditioners of the same cooling capacity. They are also cheaper to maintain and power: At least 3 to 6 times cheaper to power. And in hot places in particular, the big energy user is cooling. So people can live in chilled desert townships and use less than 5% of the energy used in a typical Phoenix apartment today.
Passive evap coolers
So maybe 5 miles from our high desert townships is a high desert pass with a darn good breeze most of the time. Maybe we build an air dam (a wall) and create a wind funnel and put passive chillers in the throat. Maybe all we do is pump water to the sprayers and through the pipes. Maybe we just spay water onto the sheet metal our pipes snap into. Maybe we can just skip the fans to save energy.T
Equality of opportunity and the new school system
1) Kids will spend much more time at school and less at home under the new education system. This will be a powerful equalizing force with regard to economic opportunity.
2) Not only is video college paid for and free, but students also get a dorm bunk and cafeteria food free.
3) Parents are not supposed to give their kids money.
4) Everyone does chores for their free education, except the real top students who mostly get excused as part of an system of incentives to encourage academic performance.
5) The classes are every day, or 3 long days out of every sweek until they are done. So it is very easy to take time off school and go work in some seasonal job for 2 months. Or maybe some will only go to school for 1 class per quarter while they work.
6) Switching to day-halving doubles the capacity of every school in that nation. All we need are more high quality videos (or written format presentations), including questions and answers.
7) There is no reason to have our intellectual stars all doing their redundant version of the same thing in thousands of classrooms worldwide. What a waste. What a huge cost burden on education. Although without that, it would be real hard to justify the insanely expensive tuition fees. I mean, what are we paying for, adminsitators? Million-dollar-per-year rent on classrooms?
8) College and indeed all education gets real cheap.
North Africa is massive
Look at that image above. There are huge areas that can be irrigated.
5 Underpopulated places
1) North Africa
2) North Canada
3) North East Russia
4) Alaska
5) Western China
6) The Australian outback
You know, nobody is really using most of these places.

Where to use 6 and 8-legged robots
You know where we used these? We scale them up and use them as robotic platforms for drilling foundations on slopes. The legs should bre truss segments that can be extended to maybe 20 meters in length to reach a ledge below.
Cigarettes: An ongoing worldwide human holocaust
480,000 people die each year from tobacco in the US. And worldwide, 7-million people die each year from Tobacco. So tobacco is really about 1.5x as deadly as the holocaust each year, and it is an ongoing thing.
Roadkill: An ongoing worldwide animal holocaust
If 1.5 million dear die in the US as roadkill, then surely there are 30 million animals dying. I mean, how common are dear among the other dead animals. 20:1, 60:1? I find our hypocrisy about animal protections to be absolutely staggering. How can any supposed animal helping policy make up for the 30-million animals we kill each year with our cars?
Henry Miller, on selling your soul
“Once you’ve given up the ghost, everything else falls into place with deadly certainty.” [And you become a success because you are doing what Ishtar wants you to do to help its feeding processes.]
Our own language and learning interface
We all know how important intuitive user interfaces are for our devices. What about our languages and learning systems ? Shouldn’t they also be intuitive, logical, efficient, and if possible graphical, so our thoughts and our sharings can be as easy to use and powerful as possible?
Objective and subjective are blids
Better we say societal reality and personal reality, SR and PR. Small group reality SGR is also probably a useful term. You know, wherever possible the name for a thing should describe that thing so people can sort of guess what you mean from the term.
Posters and giant PDFs
One sheet can explain the rail system’s features including the viaducts, the cars, the interchanges. Another can explain the townships.
Ishtar = WW3, WW4, WW5, ect.
It always turns on man, and always causes another great war, and than another, and another. The only way out is to totally kill Ishtar.
My first priority
Ishtar must die and remain dead. If I fail to do that then there will be an endless string of wars until someone else does it.
Festival for the ancestors, Sora community
1) Wherever you have the prosperity of the dead affecting the prosperity of the living, you have people trying to help out by making sacrifices that the Arabs either ate, or sold.
2) The umbrella, the symbol of honor was super expensive and imported from the star shipping enterprise.
3) Note the sacrificial axe at 2:20 that is used to kill the sacrificial animal. Is this the basis of the fascist axe as a symbol of power?
4) If Ishtar is still selling the same axes as it did in pre-Roman days, then surely it is the opposite of up.
5) Note how the priestesses from the neighboring village turn up for the BBQ when the village sacrifices an animal.
George Carlin on politicians start at: 9:44
this clip was titled: “George Carlin on some cultural issues.”
1) If you want an example of sophistry, here it is.
2) What George said about our elected leaders implies that they are running our government. It is actually the non-elected people running our parties that write the laws and get them introduced.
3) I might think that 2 was an accident if it weren’t for the equally “sophisticated” argument against voting that follows.
4) There is too much of Ishtar’s agenda in one place here.
Cambodia lingam
Vietnam lingam
Enter these terms in Google images to see how the religious lingam has changed in the various parts of Asia. To me the Vietnamese versions seem truer to the original version. I think this was intended to confuse many people (particularly children) about their duty to God’s lingam, and also the lingam of his priests, his revered reverends. In India the lingam is still called a lingam, but it is painted like a the head of a deity.